What Vegies Can Blue Tongue Skinks Eat? (Blue Tongue Skinks Diet)

Greetings, fellow reptile enthusiasts! Today, we're diving into the fascinating world of blue tongue skinks and their dietary needs. Just like humans, these unique creatures require a well-balanced diet to thrive and stay healthy. A significant portion of a blue tongue skink's diet should consist of vegetables, providing them with essential nutrients and promoting overall well-being.

A blue tongue skink surrounded by an array of colorful vegetables, including kale, butternut squash, carrots, and bell peppers.

When it comes to choosing the best veggies for blue tongue skinks, it's crucial to prioritize their nutritional value while ensuring safety. Let's explore some of the top vegetables that your scaly friend will absolutely love!

Key Takeaways:

  • Blue tongue skinks have specific dietary needs and require a well-balanced diet.
  • A significant portion of a blue tongue skink's diet should consist of vegetables.
  • Choose vegetables that are safe and nutritionally beneficial for blue tongue skinks.
  • Provide a variety of vegetables to ensure a diverse and nutritious diet.
  • Monitoring your skink's weight and adjusting the feeding schedule is crucial for their overall health.

Table of Contents

How Often to Feed Blue Tongue Skinks

Feeding blue tongue skinks the right amount and at the right frequency is crucial for their health and well-being. The feeding schedule and frequency vary depending on the age of the skink, with younger skinks requiring more frequent feedings than older ones.

If you have a blue tongue skink that is up to 3 months old, it is recommended to feed them daily or every 2 days. This ensures they receive enough nutrition to support their growth and development during this crucial stage of their life.

Skinks between 3 and 8 months old can be fed every 2 to 5 days. This allows them to have enough time to digest their food properly and prevents overfeeding or digestive issues.

Once a blue tongue skink reaches over 8 months old, their feeding frequency can be reduced to 1 to 2 times per week. At this stage, their growth rate has slowed down, and their metabolic rate has stabilized, making them require less frequent meals.

It's important to monitor your skink's weight and body condition regularly to ensure they are receiving the right amount of food. Adjust the feeding schedule accordingly if you notice any significant changes in their weight or behavior.

Feeding Schedule for Blue Tongue Skinks:

Age Feeding Frequency
Up to 3 months Daily or every 2 days
3 to 8 months Every 2 to 5 days
Over 8 months 1 to 2 times per week

Remember, each blue tongue skink is unique, and their dietary needs may vary. It's always a good idea to consult with a reptile veterinarian or an experienced blue tongue skink keeper to ensure you are providing the best feeding schedule for your skink's specific needs.

Feeding your blue tongue skink the right amount and at the right frequency is essential for their overall health and well-being. By following a proper feeding schedule based on their age, you can ensure that they receive the necessary nutrition to thrive.

Best Greens for Blue Tongue Skinks

When it comes to the diet of blue tongue skinks, greens play a crucial role. These leafy vegetables provide essential nutrients and contribute to the overall nutritional value of their diet. Including a variety of greens in your skink's diet ensures a well-balanced meal that promotes their health and well-being.

Here are some of the best greens that you can include in your blue tongue skink's diet:

  • Arugula
  • Basil
  • Beet greens
  • Bok choy
  • Collard greens
  • Dandelion greens
  • Endive
  • Escarole
  • Kale
  • Mustard greens
  • Turnip greens
  • Watercress

These leafy greens provide a range of essential vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin C, which are important for the overall health and development of blue tongue skinks.

Adding a variety of greens to your skink's diet ensures they receive a range of nutrients for a well-rounded and nutritionally balanced meal.

To help you visualize the nutritional value of these greens, here is a table showing the key nutrients provided by each:

Greens Nutritional Value
Arugula High in calcium, vitamins A and C
Basil Good source of vitamin K and manganese
Beet greens Rich in iron, vitamins A and C
Bok choy Contains calcium, vitamins A and C
Collard greens High in vitamin K, calcium, and iron
Dandelion greens Good source of vitamins A, C, and K
Endive Contains vitamin A and potassium
Escarole Rich in vitamin A, calcium, and magnesium
Kale High in vitamins A, C, and K, and calcium
Mustard greens Contains vitamins A, C, and K, and calcium
Turnip greens Good source of vitamins A and C, and calcium
Watercress Rich in vitamins A, C, and K, and calcium

Adding these greens to your blue tongue skink's diet will not only provide them with essential nutrients but also add variety and flavor to their meals. Remember to offer a mix of different greens to ensure a well-rounded diet and to rotate them regularly to provide a range of nutrients.

Benefits of Including Greens in a Skink's Diet

Including greens in your blue tongue skink's diet offers several benefits:

  • Provides essential vitamins and minerals for overall health and development
  • Contributes to a nutritionally balanced meal
  • Helps support healthy digestion
  • Adds variety and flavor to their diet

By incorporating these greens into your skink's feeding routine, you can ensure they receive a well-rounded and nutritious diet that promotes their overall well-being and vitality.

Recommended Vegetables for Blue Tongue Skinks

Blue tongue skinks have a diverse diet that goes beyond just greens. It's important to provide a variety of vegetables to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients. Here are some recommended vegetables for blue tongue skinks:

Vegetable Nutritional Benefits
Asparagus Rich in vitamins A, C, and K
Bell Peppers High in vitamin C and antioxidants
Broccoli Contains vitamin C, calcium, and fiber
Brussels Sprouts Good source of vitamin C, folate, and fiber
Carrots Rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene
Cauliflower Contains vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants
Celery Low in calories and high in fiber
Cucumbers Hydrating and rich in vitamins K and C
Green Beans Good source of vitamins A, C, and K
Peas Provides fiber, protein, and essential vitamins
Pumpkin Rich in vitamins A and C
Radish Contains vitamin C and antioxidants
Squash High in vitamins A and C
Sweet Potato Provides vitamin A and dietary fiber
Zucchini Rich in vitamins A, C, and K

These vegetables offer a combination of vitamins, minerals, and fiber to support the overall health of blue tongue skinks. Remember to offer a variety of vegetables to ensure a balanced and nutritious diet for your blue tongue skink.

A lush pile of colorful veggies arranged enticingly on a large leaf, with a curious blue tongue skink peeking out from behind it.

Fruits that Blue Tongue Skinks Can Eat

While fruits should be limited in a blue tongue skink's diet, they can still enjoy some safe fruits as a treat. Blue tongue skinks can eat a variety of fruits that offer nutritional benefits and add variety to their diet. Here are some fruits that are safe for blue tongue skinks:

  • Apples
  • Berries (blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries)
  • Cantaloupe
  • Cherries
  • Mango
  • Papaya
  • Peaches
  • Pears
  • Pineapples
  • Plums
  • Watermelon

These fruits can be given to blue tongue skinks in moderation as a treat or an occasional addition to their diet. It's important to remember that fruits should not make up the majority of their food intake, as they require a balanced diet that includes a variety of vegetables and protein sources.

Create an image of a blue tongue skink surrounded by a variety of sliced fruits, such as strawberries, kiwi, mango, and papaya.

Adding fruits to a blue tongue skink's diet can provide them with additional vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. However, it's crucial to monitor their intake and avoid feeding them fruits that are high in sugar or contain seeds that could pose a choking hazard. Always wash fruits thoroughly before offering them to your blue tongue skink to remove any pesticides or residues.

Tip: Remember to feed small amounts of fruits as treats and prioritize a well-rounded diet consisting primarily of vegetables for your blue tongue skinks.

Protein Sources for Blue Tongue Skinks

Protein is an essential part of a blue tongue skink's diet. It plays a crucial role in their growth, development, and overall health. Blue tongue skinks can obtain protein from various sources, including insects and alternative protein sources.

Insects as Protein Sources

One of the primary protein sources for blue tongue skinks is insects. They can enjoy a variety of insects that provide them with the necessary protein they need. Some common insects that are suitable for blue tongue skinks include:

Alternative Protein Sources

Apart from insects, there are alternative protein sources that blue tongue skinks can benefit from:

  • Lean Meats: Cooked chicken or turkey can be offered in small quantities as a protein-rich treat. It is crucial to ensure that the meat is lean and free from seasoning or spices.
  • Cockroaches: Blue tongue skinks can also consume small cockroaches as a protein source.
  • Earthworms: Earthworms are a natural protein source and can be fed occasionally.
  • Eggs: Hard-boiled eggs can be given to blue tongue skinks as a source of protein. Ensure that the eggs are fully cooked and free from any additives.
  • Hornworms: Hornworms are another option to consider, offering both hydration and nutrients.
  • Snails: Some blue tongue skinks enjoy snails as a protein source but make sure to source them from a reputable supplier, ensuring they are safe and free from any harmful substances.

It's essential to provide a balanced diet that includes a variety of protein sources to offer a diverse range of nutrients. Remember to monitor your blue tongue skink's diet and adjust the quantity of protein sources accordingly.

Now that we've explored the various protein sources for blue tongue skinks, let's delve into the feeding guidelines for these fascinating reptiles in the next section.

Feeding Guidelines for Blue Tongue Skinks

Feeding blue tongue skinks a balanced diet is essential for their overall health and well-being. To ensure that your skink receives the necessary nutrients, it is important to provide a variety of vegetables, protein sources, and occasional fruits. Here are some guidelines to help you create a feeding schedule and maintain a balanced diet for your blue tongue skink.

Feeding Schedule

The feeding frequency and portion size of blue tongue skinks vary based on their age. Younger skinks, up to 3 months old, should be fed daily or every 2 days to support their growth and development. Skinks between 3 and 8 months old can be fed every 2 to 5 days, while skinks over 8 months old should be fed 1 to 2 times per week. This feeding schedule ensures that your skink receives the necessary nutrients without overfeeding.

Balance is Key

When planning your blue tongue skink's diet, it is important to maintain a balance between vegetables, protein sources, and fruits. A well-rounded diet helps provide the necessary vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients for your skink's health. Remember that vegetables should make up the majority of their diet, with protein sources and fruits added in moderation.

Monitoring Skink's Weight

Regularly monitor your blue tongue skink's weight to ensure that they are maintaining a healthy body condition. A skink that is too thin may indicate an inadequate diet, while an overweight skink may require portion control. Adjust the feeding schedule and portion sizes accordingly to maintain your skink's ideal weight.

Feeding Guidelines Recap:

  • Provide a variety of vegetables, protein sources, and occasional fruits.
  • Follow a feeding schedule based on the skink's age.
  • Maintain a balance between vegetables, protein sources, and fruits.
  • Monitor the skink's weight and adjust the feeding schedule accordingly.
Food Group Examples
Vegetables Arugula, basil, beet greens, bok choy, collard greens, dandelion greens, endive, escarole, kale, mustard greens, turnip greens, watercress, asparagus, bell peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, green beans, peas, pumpkin, radish, squash, sweet potato, zucchini
Protein Sources Crickets, mealworms, silkworms, cooked chicken or turkey, cockroaches, earthworms, eggs, hornworms, snails
Fruits (Occasional Treats) Apples, berries (blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries), cantaloupe, cherries, mango, papaya, peaches, pears, pineapples, plums, watermelon


Providing a nutritious diet for blue tongue skinks is crucial for their overall health and well-being. A healthy diet that includes a varied selection of safe vegetables, protein sources, and occasional fruits will ensure that they receive all the necessary nutrients for optimal growth and development.

By offering a balanced diet, not only are we supporting the physical health of our blue tongue skinks, but we are also promoting their mental and emotional well-being. A varied diet contributes to their overall happiness and quality of life.

Remember, adjusting the feeding schedule based on the age and individual needs of your blue tongue skink is important. Monitoring their weight and observing their behavior can guide us in determining the appropriate portion sizes and feeding frequency.

In conclusion, a healthy diet for blue tongue skinks consists of a variety of safe vegetables, protein sources, and occasional fruits. With our commitment to providing nutritious meals, we can ensure that our blue tongue skinks thrive and enjoy a long, happy, and healthy life.


What vegetables can blue tongue skinks eat?

Blue tongue skinks can eat a variety of safe vegetables including arugula, basil, beet greens, bok choy, collard greens, dandelion greens, endive, escarole, kale, mustard greens, turnip greens, and watercress. They can also eat vegetables like asparagus, bell peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, green beans, peas, pumpkin, radish, squash, sweet potato, and zucchini.

What is the best diet for blue tongue skinks?

Blue tongue skinks should have a balanced diet that includes a variety of vegetables, protein sources, and occasional fruits. Leafy greens such as arugula, collard greens, and kale should make up a significant portion of their diet. They should also be given a variety of other safe vegetables and limited amounts of fruits as treats. Protein sources can include insects like crickets and mealworms, as well as lean meats like cooked chicken or turkey.

How often should I feed my blue tongue skink?

The frequency of feeding blue tongue skinks depends on their age. Skinks up to 3 months old should be fed daily or every 2 days, while those between 3 and 8 months old can be fed every 2 to 5 days. Skinks over 8 months old should be fed 1 to 2 times per week.

Can blue tongue skinks eat fruits?

While fruits should be limited in a blue tongue skink's diet, they can still enjoy some safe fruits as a treat. Blue tongue skinks can eat fruits like apples, berries (blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries), cantaloupe, cherries, mango, papaya, peaches, pears, pineapples, plums, and watermelon.

What are the best protein sources for blue tongue skinks?

Blue tongue skinks can obtain protein from insects like crickets, mealworms, and silkworms. They can also consume lean meats like cooked chicken or turkey, cockroaches, earthworms, eggs, hornworms, and snails as protein sources.

What are the feeding guidelines for blue tongue skinks?

Blue tongue skinks should be fed a balanced diet that includes a variety of vegetables, protein sources, and occasional fruits. The feeding frequency and portion size depend on the age of the skink, with younger skinks requiring more frequent feedings. It is important to monitor the skink's weight and adjust the feeding schedule accordingly.

What is the importance of a balanced diet for blue tongue skinks?

Providing a nutritious diet for blue tongue skinks is essential for their overall health and well-being. A balanced diet that includes a variety of safe vegetables, protein sources, and occasional fruits will ensure that they receive all the necessary nutrients for growth and development. Adjusting the feeding schedule based on the age and individual needs of the skink is crucial for maintaining a healthy diet.

Guilherme Lopes

Hello, my name is Guilherme, and I am a writer passionate about animals. Especially for reptiles and amphibians. I've been writing for the internet for about 2 years and recently started producing content for the Dragon Lovers Hub blog.

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