Bearded Dragons Playtime: What Do Bearded Dragons Like To Play With

Whether you're with us or not, bearded dragons are highly sought after for their playtime. They need stimulation and entertainment to stay healthy while playing together, as they do every day of the year.

What are some things that bearded dragons love to do with their toys and abilities?

A bearded dragon lazing under a heat lamp with a variety of toys scattered around it.

Key Takeaways:

  • Bearded dragons benefit from playtime to prevent boredom and promote exercise.
  • Toys such as slotted balls, mirrors, stuffed animals, and rubber ducks can be enjoyed by bearded dragons.
  • Activities like watching TV, cuddling, and taking them for a walk can also engage your bearded dragon.
  • Enrichment, such as changing the terrarium setup and using excavator clay, provides additional stimulation.
  • Regular play sessions can contribute to the overall well-being and happiness of your bearded dragon.

Table of Contents

Different Toys For Bearded Dragons

Bearded dragons are one of the most fun creatures to play with. They have a natural curiosity and enjoy exploring their environment, which is why they love playing around on various devices. Here's some toys that can keep them busy: 1. A bear deer would like all its favorite things; 2. an old dog loves cuddling up too -- what should be more?

Bearded dragons are provided with a safe haven to explore and feel comfortable in hideouts. These areas can be either simple caves or tunnels made from non-toxic materials, such as reptile-safe resin or wood.

Cat toys: Bearded dragons can play with a range of cat toy options, from beardefisted ones like wands and teases which have feather or stringet-like shapes that help them hunt.

Balls can be played with or without, and bearded dragons will push and chase them while pushing/chasing simple play balls to provide added physical-mentality as well. For extra sensory experience, choose balls featuring textures in the form of small holes instead of traditional hollow shaped ones found indoors on playground paths where insects feed regularly.

Bearded Dragon floaties: Add some bouncers to your bathrobe and add a little adventure with these water playthings. Be sure not to bring any sort of underage or baby beardeslie along

Bearded dragons can use crynectary, a type of sensory stimulant that enhances their playfulness. Crinkle balls are lightweight and tactile enough to make sounds when touched by the ball's handler; they capture the beardeser' eye quickly with this sound as it propels them further away in search for more substances or an unexplored opportunity.

Bearded dragons require a snug and cozy spot to rest, as they can be easily attached to the walls of their enclosure. Hammocks are incredibly useful for this purpose because it provides them with ample space to bask during sleep or in general.

Tunnels: Bearded dragons have a natural tendency to burrow. Tube-shaped tunnels made from reptile-safe materials are used to provide reptilian-resistant material for the construction of artificial caves, which offer hours of entertainment.

Boost the engagement of your bearded dragon by placing mirrors in their enclosure. By creating a small mirror inside each one, they can attract attention and engage with other animals.

To keep your bearded dragon mentally active, introduce a variety of toys to them and make sure they are always playing with the appropriate size or age.

Bearded Dragon Playing Tips: How To Play With A Bearded Dragon

Playing with your bearded dragon is not only enjoyable but also beneficial for their physical and mental health. Here are some tips on how to play with them:

  1. A bearded dragon can benefit from walking outdoors, but it is best to avoid the cold and wet weather that may affect their health. Moreover, wearing clothing or safety equipment will help keep them safe during walks as well.
  2. Bearded dragons are fond of swimming and bathing, so it's a good idea to introduce them to warm water with toys or blankets. Just make sure they’re under careful handling; also check for appropriate temperature when using hot tubs or other objects such as bubble beds.
  3. Bearded dragons require gentle handling, and once they are thoroughly tamed canine companions should be held in close proximity to each other. This will promote trust amongst your beardeser family members as well as building up mutual affection through hands-on interaction that builds confidence within you.
  4. Engage in a game of ball with your bearded dragon to test their natural abilities. This can involve pushing the balls, placing them on top or after they hit it: push one at half an inch (the longest) and then gently holding onto each other as you pull up close enough for them to climb back into position while hanging out above from where the tail was placed briefly before landing; use this fun playfulness high fives to encourage themselves to hang over and collect some more energy later by making the swing.
  5. A laser pointer can be a fun activity to use with your bearded dragon as it may disturb and confuse you. When using the laserpoint, remember to always follow up on food items for added convenience or risking frustration from any of these animals who consume small amounts of energy when playing around without feeding them anything at all!
  6. Bearded dragons are innate predators, and it can be exciting for them to receive live insects as feed. This allows them the mental flexibility they need in order to engage in their natural behavior without being disturbed.
  7. A bearded dragon can be excited about exploring new areas with ease and excitement by being left alone in a secure location. Just make sure to eliminate any potential hazards and monitor their movements as they explore, just like humans do.

Including these playtime activities in your routine can provide enrichment, exercise and quality bonding time for the bearded dragon's life. Remember to prioritize their well-being over any individual comfort level when it comes to activity planning by always selecting [things that are most suitable] or least uncomfortable for them (such as an outdoor adventurer class).


What kind of toys do bearded dragons like?

Bearded dragons enjoy a variety of toys, including slotted balls, mirrors, stuffed animals, toy cars, rubber ducks, and crinkly paper.

How can I play with my bearded dragon?

There are several activities you can do to play with your bearded dragon, such as watching TV, cuddling, doing a beardie burrito, going for a walk, letting them run around the house, swimming, giving them a bath, making feeding time interactive, using a laser pointer, coaxing them to climb and scurry, and letting them climb on a cat tower.

How can I enrich my bearded dragon's environment?

You can enrich your bearded dragon's environment by changing up the terrarium, adding interesting decor, and using excavator clay. Additionally, providing hides can give them a space to explore and feel safe.

Can I use cat toys to play with my bearded dragon?

Yes, you can use cat toys like wands and teaser toys to engage your bearded dragon in play.

What kind of balls can bearded dragons play with?

Bearded dragons can push and chase play balls.

How can I make bath time more enjoyable for my bearded dragon?

Using floaties can make bath time more enjoyable for bearded dragons.

What toys provide auditory stimulation for bearded dragons?

Crinkle balls provide auditory stimulation and encourage play in bearded dragons.

Do bearded dragons like hammocks?

Yes, hammocks provide a comfortable space for bearded dragons to relax and bask.

Can bearded dragons use tunnels as toys?

Yes, tunnels allow bearded dragons to satisfy their burrowing instincts.

Do bearded dragons enjoy mirrors?

Yes, mirrors can stimulate curiosity in bearded dragons.

Can I take my bearded dragon for a walk?

Yes, you can take your bearded dragon for a walk, but make sure to consider appropriate temperature, weather conditions, and use a harness.

Is it safe to swim with my bearded dragon?

Swimming with bearded dragons can be done in warm water and with floaties or other toys, but always ensure their safety and comfort.

How should I handle my bearded dragon during playtime?

Handling bearded dragons during playtime should be done with care and after proper taming to ensure the safety and well-being of both you and your dragon.

How can I play ball with my bearded dragon?

To play ball with your bearded dragon, you can push the ball, place it on their tail, hide it, or place it up high for them to climb to.

Can I use a laser pointer to play with my bearded dragon?

Yes, you can use a laser pointer for play, but remember to use it in moderation and always follow it with a food reward.

What kind of activities can bearded dragons enjoy?

Bearded dragons can enjoy hunting live insects, exploring new spaces, and engaging in various interactive activities.

Guilherme Lopes

Hello, my name is Guilherme, and I am a writer passionate about animals. Especially for reptiles and amphibians. I've been writing for the internet for about 2 years and recently started producing content for the Dragon Lovers Hub blog.

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