Exploring The New Coral Snake Diversity in Northeast India

An Asian coral snake species that is newly discovered in India.

Researchers at Mizoram University in India have made a groundbreaking discovery during their exploration of existing coral snake species in the region. The team focused on Mizoram, India, and Bangladesh, analyzing 36 adult specimens to unravel the mysteries surrounding Sinomicrurus gorei, a newly identified species of coral snake.

Key Findings:

  • The genetic and morphological distinctiveness of Sinomicrurus gorei
  • Highlighting its closest sympatric relative, Sinomicrurus macclellandi

Distinct Identity Unveiled

In their extensive examination, the scientists not only established the genetic and morphological distinctiveness of Sinomicrurus gorei but also highlighted its closest sympatric relative, Sinomicrurus macclellandi. The researchers assert that Sinomicrurus gorei, previously considered a mere color variant of S. macclellandi, deserves recognition as a distinct species. This revelation comes with compelling morphological and genetic evidence, as detailed in their comprehensive paper.

The Diverse Sinomicrurus Genus

The Sinomicrurus genus, known for its mesmerizing diversity, encompasses nine species and four subspecies of coral snakes. These include:

  • Sinomicrurus annularis (MacClelland’s coral snake)
  • Sinomicrurus boettgeri (Boettger’s coral snake)
  • Sinomicrurus iwasakii (Iwasaki’s temperate Asian coral snake)
  • Sinomicrurus japonicus (Japanese coral snake)
  • Sinomicrurus kelloggi (Kellogg’s coral snake)
  • Sinomicrurus peinani (Guangxi coral snake)
  • Sinomicrurus sauteri (Taiwan)
  • Sinomicrurus swinhoei (Swinhoe’s temperate Asian coral snake)
  • The newly identified Sinomicrurus gorei

Encouraging Further Exploration

Delving deeper into the study, titled "Reappraisal of the systematics of two sympatric coral snakes (Reptilia: Elapidae) from Northeast India," the researchers invite enthusiasts to explore the abstract on the Taylor and Francis Online website. This exciting discovery not only expands our understanding of coral snake diversity but also underscores the importance of continued exploration and research in unraveling the secrets of our natural world.

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Guilherme Lopes

Hello, my name is Guilherme, and I am a writer passionate about animals. Especially for reptiles and amphibians. I've been writing for the internet for about 2 years and recently started producing content for the Dragon Lovers Hub blog.

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