Do Red Eyed Tree Frogs Need UVB?

A close-up of a red-eyed tree frog sitting on a green leaf, with its eyes looking directly at the camera.

Red-eyed tree frogs, native to Central America, are captivating creatures that require specific care to thrive in captivity. As responsible caretakers, it's important for us to ensure their optimal health and create a habitat that mimics their natural environment. In this article, we will explore the significance of UVB lighting for red-eyed tree frogs and how it contributes to their overall well-being and thriving habitat.

While red-eyed tree frogs can survive without UVB lighting, providing low levels of UVB is highly recommended for optimal health. UVB lighting plays a crucial role in their physiology by aiding in the synthesis of vitamin D, which is essential for calcium absorption and bone development. Additionally, exposure to UVB stimulates appetite, promotes activity, and helps regulate their biological rhythms.

When it comes to choosing UVB bulbs for red-eyed tree frogs, two popular options are the Zoo Med Reptisun UVB 10.0 T5 HO and the REPTI ZOO T5 HO UVB Lighting Combo Kit. It is important to position the UVB lamp at a distance of at least 6 inches from the frogs to ensure they receive the appropriate UVB exposure without the risk of overheating.

Remember to replace UVB bulbs every 12 months to maintain their effectiveness. It's also crucial to simulate natural seasonal cycles for your red-eyed tree frogs by providing 14 hours of light during summer and 10 hours of light during winter.

Key Takeaways:

  • UVB lighting is not essential for the survival of red-eyed tree frogs, but low levels of UVB are recommended for their optimal health.
  • UVB lighting helps red-eyed tree frogs synthesize vitamin D, stimulate appetite, and promote activity.
  • Zoo Med Reptisun UVB 10.0 T5 HO and REPTI ZOO T5 HO UVB Lighting Combo Kit are popular UVB bulbs for red-eyed tree frogs.
  • Position the UVB lamp at least 6 inches away from the frogs to avoid overheating.
  • Replace UVB bulbs every 12 months and follow natural seasonal lighting cycles.

Table of Contents

Habitat and Temperature Requirements

Creating the perfect habitat for your Red Eyed Tree Frogs is essential for their health and well-being. Let's take a closer look at their enclosure requirements and temperature needs.

Enclosure Space Requirements

Red Eyed Tree Frogs are active climbers and jumpers, so it's crucial to provide them with enough space to move around. For a single frog, we recommend using a glass terrarium with dimensions of at least 18"L x 18"W x 24"H. If you plan to keep multiple frogs, a larger enclosure will be needed to accommodate their needs.

Number of Frogs Terrarium Size (Minimum)
1 18”L x 18”W x 24”H
2+ Larger enclosure

Ambient Temperature

Maintaining proper temperatures is crucial for the health and activity of Red Eyed Tree Frogs. During the day, the ambient air temperature inside the enclosure should be kept between 72-78°F. At night, it can drop to around 66°F. A basking area with a temperature of 84°F should also be provided for thermoregulation.

To achieve these temperature ranges, you can use a dome-style heat lamp equipped with a low-wattage, white incandescent heat bulb. It's important to monitor the temperature using a digital probe thermometer to ensure it stays within the recommended range.

Temperature Requirements Summary:

  • Ambient Daytime Temperature: 72-78°F
  • Ambient Nighttime Temperature: around 66°F
  • Basking Area Temperature: 84°F

Remember, maintaining the right temperature is essential for the overall well-being and activity of your Red Eyed Tree Frogs.

Humidity and Substrate

To ensure the health and well-being of your Red Eyed Tree Frogs, it is essential to provide them with the right humidity levels and substrate. Red-eyed tree frogs require high humidity, with levels typically ranging between 60-80%. Maintaining proper humidity is crucial for their skin health, respiration, and hydration needs.

A Red Eyed Tree Frog habitat with the perfect balance of humidity and substrate.

One of the simplest ways to maintain humidity is by misting the enclosure with dechlorinated tap water or spring water. Mist the enclosure twice a day to ensure adequate humidity levels. Alternatively, using an automatic misting system or fogger can help maintain consistent humidity throughout the day.

The choice of substrate also plays a vital role in maintaining humidity levels. Opt for a moisture-retentive substrate that can hold humidity effectively. Some suitable options include Zoo Med ReptiSoil, coconut fiber, or sphagnum moss layered with leaf litter. These substrates have excellent moisture retention properties, helping to create the desired humidity levels in the enclosure.

Substrate Options for Red Eyed Tree Frogs

Substrate Moisture Retention Main Features
Zoo Med ReptiSoil High Natural look, retains moisture well
Coconut Fiber Medium-High Excellent water absorption, mimics natural habitat
Sphagnum Moss layered with Leaf Litter Medium-High Retains moisture, provides hiding spots

When maintaining humidity, it is important to avoid using distilled or reverse-osmosis water for misting. These types of water can be harmful to the frogs' skin due to the absence of essential minerals. Stick to dechlorinated tap water or spring water for misting.

Regular maintenance of the substrate is crucial to ensure cleanliness and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. Replace the substrate monthly to maintain hygiene in the enclosure and create a healthy environment for your red-eyed tree frogs.

Feeding and Handling

Red-eyed tree frogs have a carnivorous diet and primarily eat live insects. To ensure their health, it's essential to feed them a balanced diet. Young frogs should be fed daily, while adults can be fed every 2-3 days to prevent obesity. When selecting feeder insects, choose small ones that are no wider than the space between the frog's eyes. This size ensures that the insects are easy for the frogs to swallow.

Variety is key when it comes to feeding red-eyed tree frogs. Offering a diverse selection of insects, such as crickets, fruit flies, and small mealworms, provides the necessary nutrients for their growth and well-being. To boost their nutritional intake, dust the feeder insects with Repashy Calcium Plus LoD once a week. This supplement provides essential vitamins and minerals. Remember to remove any uneaten insects from the enclosure to maintain a clean environment.

When it comes to handling red-eyed tree frogs, it's important to note that they are not appropriate pets for regular handling. These frogs are sensitive and handling can cause them stress, potentially leading to health issues. However, if necessary, you can use soft-tipped feeding tongs to interact with them when feeding or moving them from one place to another. This minimizes stress and prevents any unintentional harm to the frog.


Do red-eyed tree frogs need UVB lighting?

Yes, while red-eyed tree frogs can survive without UVB lighting, it is recommended to provide low levels of UVB for their optimal health and wellbeing. UVB lighting helps them synthesize vitamin D, stimulates appetite and activity, and promotes better overall health.

What are the recommended UVB bulbs for red-eyed tree frogs?

The recommended UVB bulbs for red-eyed tree frogs are Zoo Med Reptisun UVB 10.0 T5 HO and REPTI ZOO T5 HO UVB Lighting Combo Kit.

How far should the UVB lamp be placed from the frog?

The UVB lamp should be placed at a distance of at least 6 inches from the frog.

How often should UVB bulbs be replaced?

UVB bulbs should be replaced every 12 months.

What size enclosure is recommended for red-eyed tree frogs?

A glass terrarium with dimensions of at least 18”L x 18”W x 24”H is recommended for one frog. Larger enclosures are needed for housing multiple frogs.

What temperature should be maintained inside the enclosure?

The ambient air temperature inside the enclosure should be maintained between 72-78°F during the day and can drop to around 66°F at night. A basking area with a temperature of 84°F should also be provided.

How can humidity be maintained in the enclosure?

Humidity can be maintained by misting the enclosure with dechlorinated tap water or spring water twice a day. Using an automatic misting system or fogger can also help. The substrate should be moisture-retentive to hold humidity well.

What substrate should be used in the enclosure?

Options such as Zoo Med ReptiSoil, coconut fiber, or sphagnum moss layered with leaf litter work well as moisture-retentive substrates. The substrate should be replaced monthly for hygiene purposes.

What is the diet of red-eyed tree frogs?

Red-eyed tree frogs have a carnivorous diet consisting mainly of live insects.

How often should red-eyed tree frogs be fed?

Young frogs should be fed daily, while adults can be fed every 2-3 days to prevent obesity.

Can red-eyed tree frogs be handled?

Red-eyed tree frogs are not appropriate for handling, as it can be stressful for them. If necessary, soft-tipped feeding tongs can be used for interaction instead.

Guilherme Lopes

Hello, my name is Guilherme, and I am a writer passionate about animals. Especially for reptiles and amphibians. I've been writing for the internet for about 2 years and recently started producing content for the Dragon Lovers Hub blog.

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