Do Bearded Dragons Bite? Everything You Need to Know

If you are a bearded dragon lover, you probably know how adorable and friendly these reptiles are. They are among the most popular pets in the world, thanks to their docile and curious personalities. But do bearded dragons bite? And if they do, why do they bite and how hard do they bite? In this article, we will answer all these questions and more. We will also give you some tips on how to prevent and treat bearded dragon bites, and how to care for your beardie properly.

A bearded dragon biting a human finger

Key takeaways:

  • Bearded dragons do bite, but it is not a common or aggressive behavior.
  • Bearded dragons bite for various reasons, such as hunger, excitement, fear, discomfort, or lack of socialization.
  • Bearded dragon bites are usually not very painful or dangerous unless they are infected or allergic.
  • Bearded dragon bites can be avoided by providing a suitable environment, feeding a balanced diet, handling them gently and regularly, and observing their body language.
  • Bearded dragon bites can be treated by washing the wound, applying antiseptic, and seeking medical attention if needed.

Table of Contents

Why Do Bearded Dragons Bite?

Bearded dragons are not naturally aggressive or violent animals. They are usually very calm and gentle, and they rarely bite their owners or other animals. However, there are some situations that may trigger a bearded dragon to bite, either intentionally or accidentally. Here are some of the most common reasons why bearded dragons bite:

  • Hunger: Bearded dragons have a strong appetite and they love to eat. Sometimes, they may mistake your finger for food, especially if you are hand-feeding them or if your finger smells like food. This is more likely to happen with young bearded dragons, who are still learning to control their bite force and aim. To avoid this, you can use tongs or tweezers to feed your bearded dragon, or wash your hands before and after handling them.
  • Excitement: Bearded dragons are very curious and playful animals, and they may get overexcited when they see something new or interesting. They may also get excited when they are mating or competing with other bearded dragons. In these cases, they may bite as a way of exploring, expressing, or asserting themselves. To avoid this, you can provide your bearded dragon with enough stimulation and enrichment, such as toys, branches, rocks, and hiding places. You can also monitor their interactions with other bearded dragons, and separate them if they show signs of aggression or stress.
  • Fear: Bearded dragons are prey animals in the wild, and they have a natural instinct to protect themselves from predators. They may bite if they feel threatened, scared, or cornered by something or someone. This may happen if you approach them too fast, too loud, or from above, or if you introduce them to a new environment or a new animal. To avoid this, you can make your bearded dragon feel safe and comfortable, by providing a spacious and secure enclosure, a proper temperature and lighting, and a regular routine. You can also handle your bearded dragon gently and slowly, and let them get used to your presence and scent.
  • Discomfort: Bearded dragons may bite if they are in pain, discomfort, or distress. This may happen if they are sick, injured, or stressed by something. It may also happen if they are shedding, which can make their skin itchy and irritable. To avoid this, you can keep your bearded dragon healthy and happy, by providing a clean and hygienic habitat, a nutritious and varied diet, and a regular check-up with a vet. You can also help your bearded dragon with shedding, by bathing them, misting them, and gently brushing them.
  • Lack of socialization: Bearded dragons are social animals, and they need to interact with their owners and other bearded dragons. If they are not used to being handled or being around other animals, they may bite out of fear, anxiety, or unfamiliarity. To avoid this, you can socialize your bearded dragon from a young age, by handling them frequently and gently and exposing them to different people and animals. You can also introduce them to other bearded dragons gradually and carefully, and watch for any signs of aggression or dominance.

Do Bearded Dragon Bites Hurt?

A bearded dragon with an open mouth and teeth showing.

Bearded dragons have small teeth that are designed to grip and grind their food, not to tear or pierce. Their bite force is also relatively weak, compared to other reptiles or mammals. Therefore, bearded dragon bites are usually not very painful or harmful, unless they are infected or allergic.

Most bearded dragon bites will feel like a pinch or a scratch, and they may cause some minor bleeding or bruising. However, some bearded dragon bites may be more severe, depending on the size, age, and mood of the bearded dragon, and the location and depth of the bite. For example, a bite from an adult bearded dragon may hurt more than a bite from a baby bearded dragon, and a bite on the finger may hurt more than a bite on the arm.

In any case, you should not panic or overreact if your bearded dragon bites you, as this may scare or stress them more. Instead, you should remain calm and gentle, and try to remove your bearded dragon from the source of the bite, such as your hand or another animal. You should also treat the bite as soon as possible, to prevent any infection or complication.

Is a Bite from a Bearded Dragon Dangerous?

Bearded dragon bites are usually not dangerous unless they are infected or allergic. Bearded dragons are not venomous, and they do not carry any diseases that can be transmitted to humans. However, their mouths may contain bacteria or parasites that can cause infection, especially if the bite is deep or dirty. Therefore, you should always wash the bite with soap and water, and apply an antiseptic cream or spray. You should also cover the bite with a bandage or a gauze, and change it regularly.

If the bite shows any signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, pus, or fever, you should seek medical attention immediately. You may need to take antibiotics or other medications to treat the infection. You should also monitor the bite for any signs of allergic reaction, such as rash, itching, hives, or difficulty breathing. If you have any of these symptoms, you should seek medical attention immediately. You may need to take antihistamines or other medications to treat the allergy.

What to Do If You Get Bitten by a Bearded Dragon

A person washing their wound with soap and water after being bitten by a bearded dragon.

If you get bitten by a bearded dragon, you should follow these steps:

  • Remain calm and gentle, and do not yell or hit your bearded dragon.
  • Remove your bearded dragon from the source of the bite, such as your hand or another animal.
  • Wash the bite with soap and water, and apply an antiseptic cream or spray.
  • Cover the bite with a bandage or a gauze, and change it regularly.
  • Seek medical attention if the bite shows any signs of infection or allergic reaction.
  • Try to identify the cause of the bite, and take measures to prevent it from happening again.

How to Avoid Getting Bitten by a Bearded Dragon

The best way to avoid getting bitten by a bearded dragon is to provide them with a suitable environment, feed them a balanced diet, handle them gently and regularly, and observe their body language. Here are some tips on how to do that:

  • Provide your bearded dragon with a spacious and secure enclosure, with proper temperature and lighting, and a variety of accessories, such as toys, branches, rocks, and hiding places.
  • Feed your bearded dragon a balanced diet, consisting of insects, plants, fruits, and water, and supplement it with vitamins and minerals. Avoid feeding them anything that is toxic, spoiled, or too large for them to swallow.
  • Handle your bearded dragon gently and slowly, and let them get used to your presence and scent. Avoid grabbing them from above, behind, or by the tail, and support their body and limbs. Do not handle them when they are shedding, sleeping, eating, or mating.
  • Observe your bearded dragon's body language, and respect their mood and personality. Avoid handling them when they are showing signs of aggression, stress, or fear, such as hissing, biting, puffing, or blackening their beard. Also, avoid handling them when they are showing signs of happiness, relaxation, or submission, such as closing their eyes, flattening their body, or waving their arm.
  • Introduce your bearded dragon to other bearded dragons gradually and carefully, and watch for any signs of aggression or dominance, such as head bobbing, tail whipping, or biting. Separate them if they are not getting along, and provide them with enough space and resources.


Bearded dragons are wonderful pets, and they rarely bite their owners or other animals. However, if they do bite, it is usually for a reason, and it is usually not very painful or dangerous. By following the tips in this article, you can prevent and treat bearded dragon bites, and keep your beardie healthy and happy.

We hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new about bearded dragon bites. If you want to learn more about bearded dragons, and how to care for them properly, you can visit our blog Dragon Lovers Hub, where we share relevant information and care tips for reptiles and amphibian lovers. And if you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below.

Guilherme Lopes

Hello, my name is Guilherme, and I am a writer passionate about animals. Especially for reptiles and amphibians. I've been writing for the internet for about 2 years and recently started producing content for the Dragon Lovers Hub blog.

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