Can Bearded Dragons Eat Watermelon? The Surprising Truth

Watermelon is a delicious and refreshing fruit that many people enjoy, especially in the summer. But what about bearded dragons? Can they eat watermelon too? And if so, how much and how often?

If you are a bearded dragon owner, or you are thinking of getting one, you might have wondered about these questions. After all, you want to provide the best care for your scaly friends and make sure they are healthy and happy.

The short answer is yes, bearded dragons can eat watermelon. But the long answer is more complicated. Watermelon is not a toxic or harmful food for bearded dragons, but it is not a very nutritious or beneficial one either.

A close-up of a bearded dragon’s head and front legs, holding and biting a red and juicy piece of watermelon. The bearded dragon has a green and brown scaly skin, and a spiky beard. The background is blurred.

Watermelon is mostly water, as the name suggests. It contains about 92% water and only 8% solid matter. This means that it has very little fiber, protein, fat, calcium, and other essential nutrients that bearded dragons need. It also has a high sugar content, which can cause problems for bearded dragons if consumed too much.

Watermelon does have some vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, beta carotene, magnesium, and potassium. These can help with your bearded dragon’s immune system, vision, metabolism, and blood pressure. However, these nutrients are present in very small amounts and can be easily obtained from other sources.

Therefore, watermelon should not be a staple food for your bearded dragon. It should only be given as an occasional treat, and in moderation. Too much watermelon can cause digestive issues, such as diarrhea, dehydration, and bloating. It can also lead to obesity, diabetes, and metabolic bone disease in the long term.

Key Takeaways:

  • Bearded dragons can eat watermelon, but only as an occasional treat.
  • Watermelon is not a nutritious or beneficial food for bearded dragons, and it can cause health problems if fed too much or too often.
  • Watermelon should be given to bearded dragons in small pieces, without seeds or rind, and at room temperature.
  • Watermelon should not be mixed with other foods, and it should be removed after the bearded dragon is done eating.
  • Dragon Lovers Hub is a great site for bearded dragon owners and enthusiasts, with lots of useful and fun information.

Table of Contents

How Often Can Bearded Dragons Eat Watermelon?

A bearded dragon sitting on a desk, next to a calendar and a watermelon. The bearded dragon has a green and brown scaly skin, and a spiky beard.

As we mentioned, watermelon should only be given to your bearded dragon as a rare treat. The recommended frequency is once a month or even less. You should not feed watermelon to your bearded dragon more than once every two weeks, and never more than once a week.

The amount of watermelon you give to your bearded dragon should also be limited. A good portion size is one to three teaspoon-sized pieces, depending on the size and age of your bearded dragon. You should not give more than this, as it can fill up your bearded dragon’s stomach and prevent them from eating other foods.

How To Feed Watermelon To Your Bearded Dragon

If you decide to give watermelon to your bearded dragon, you should follow some simple steps to make sure they enjoy it safely and comfortably. Here are some tips on how to feed watermelon to your bearded dragon:

  1. Choose a ripe and fresh watermelon: Avoid watermelons that are overripe, underripe, bruised, or moldy. These can have a bad taste and texture, and can also harbor bacteria and fungi that can harm your bearded dragon.
  2. Remove the seeds and the rind: Watermelon seeds and rind are not edible for bearded dragons. They can be hard to chew and swallow, and can cause choking or intestinal blockage. They can also contain pesticides and chemicals that can be toxic for your bearded dragon. So, make sure to remove all the seeds and the rind before giving watermelon to your bearded dragon.
  3. Chop the watermelon into small pieces: Watermelon pieces should be small enough for your bearded dragon to eat without difficulty. They should also be bite-sized, so that your bearded dragon does not have to tear or rip them. This can prevent your bearded dragon from injuring their mouth or teeth. You can use a knife or a food processor to chop the watermelon into small pieces.
  4. Serve the watermelon at room temperature: Watermelon should not be too cold or too hot when you give it to your bearded dragon. Cold watermelon can lower your bearded dragon’s body temperature and slow down their digestion. Hot watermelon can burn your bearded dragon’s mouth and tongue. So, make sure to serve the watermelon at room temperature, or slightly warmer.
  5. Offer the watermelon in a separate bowl or dish: Watermelon should not be mixed with other foods, such as insects or greens. This can make it harder for your bearded dragon to pick out the watermelon and eat it. It can also contaminate the other foods with watermelon juice, which can spoil them faster. So, offer the watermelon in a separate bowl or dish, and remove it after your bearded dragon is done eating.

Why Choose Dragon Lovers Hub?

If you are looking for more information and advice on how to care for your bearded dragon, you should check out our site, Dragon Lovers Hub. We are a team of passionate and experienced bearded dragon owners who love to share our knowledge and tips with other enthusiasts.

At Dragon Lovers Hub, you can find:

  • Detailed guides on how to set up and maintain a bearded dragon enclosure, including lighting, heating, substrate, and accessories.
  • Comprehensive reviews on the best products and brands for your bearded dragon, such as food, supplements, thermometers, and more.
  • Helpful articles on how to handle and interact with your bearded dragon, including bonding, training, and health issues.
  • Fun and creative ideas on how to enrich your bearded dragon’s life, such as toys, games, and activities.

We are always updating our site with new and relevant content, so you can always find something new and interesting to learn. We also welcome your feedback and suggestions, so feel free to contact us anytime.


Watermelon is a tasty and refreshing fruit that can be enjoyed by bearded dragons, but only as an occasional treat. Watermelon is not a nutritious or beneficial food for bearded dragons, and it can cause health problems if fed too much or too often.

If you want to give watermelon to your bearded dragon, you should follow some simple guidelines, such as choosing a ripe and fresh watermelon, removing the seeds and the rind, chopping the watermelon into small pieces, serving the watermelon at room temperature, and offering the watermelon in a separate bowl or dish.

You should also limit the amount and frequency of watermelon you give to your bearded dragon and never feed more than one to three teaspoon-sized pieces once a month.

We hope this article has answered all your questions about feeding watermelon to your bearded dragon. If you have any more questions, or if you want to learn more about bearded dragon care, don’t forget to visit our site, Dragon Lovers Hub. We have tons of useful and fun information for you and your scaly friend.

Do you have any experience with feeding watermelon to your bearded dragon? What did they think of it? Let us know in the comments below

Guilherme Lopes

Hello, my name is Guilherme, and I am a writer passionate about animals. Especially for reptiles and amphibians. I've been writing for the internet for about 2 years and recently started producing content for the Dragon Lovers Hub blog.

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