Bearded Dragon Diet: What You Need to Know

A bearded dragon eating a variety of fruits and vegetables.

What is a bearded dragon diet? This is a question that many bearded dragon owners or prospective owners ask themselves. Bearded dragons are omnivorous reptiles, meaning they eat both plants and animals. However, not all plants and animals are suitable for them. In fact, some foods can be harmful or even fatal for your bearded dragon.

In this guide, we will explain the composition of a bearded dragon diet and provide you with a healthy bearded dragon diet plan. We will also cover some common myths and misconceptions about bearded dragon nutrition and answer some frequently asked questions. By the end of this, you will have a better understanding of what your bearded dragon needs to thrive and how to feed them properly.

Key Takeaways:

  • Bearded dragons are omnivorous reptiles that need a balanced diet of insects, vegetables, fruits, and supplements.
  • The proportion of insects and vegetables in a bearded dragon diet varies depending on their age and life stage. Baby and juvenile bearded dragons need more insects than adults, while adults need more vegetables than juveniles.
  • The best insects for bearded dragons are crickets, roaches, worms, and locusts. The best vegetables for bearded dragons are leafy greens, squash, carrots, and bell peppers. The best fruits for bearded dragons are berries, apples, bananas, and melons.
  • Bearded dragons need calcium and vitamin D3 supplements to prevent metabolic bone disease, a common condition that affects their bones and organs. They also need a multivitamin supplement to ensure they get all the essential nutrients they need.
  • Bearded dragons should not eat foods that are high in oxalates, goitrogens, or phosphorus, as these can interfere with their calcium absorption and thyroid function. Some examples of these foods are spinach, kale, broccoli, cabbage, and avocado.
  • Bearded dragons should also avoid foods that are high in fat, sugar, or salt, as these can cause obesity, diabetes, or dehydration. Some examples of these foods are nuts, seeds, cheese, chocolate, and processed foods.
  • Bearded dragons should have access to fresh water at all times. They can drink from a shallow dish, a drip system, or a spray bottle. They can also get some moisture from their food, especially fruits and vegetables.

Table of Contents

What is a Bearded Dragon Diet?

A bearded dragon diet is the combination of foods that a bearded dragon needs to eat to stay healthy and happy. Bearded dragons are native to the arid regions of Australia, where they have adapted to various food sources. They are opportunistic feeders, meaning they will eat whatever they can find in their environment.

In the wild, bearded dragons eat mostly insects, such as crickets, roaches, worms, and locusts. They also eat some plant matter, such as leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds. However, the availability and quality of these foods depend on the season, the location, and the weather. Therefore, bearded dragons have to be flexible and adaptable with their diet.

In captivity, bearded dragons have a more consistent and controlled diet. They can eat a variety of insects and vegetables that are readily available in pet stores or online. They can also eat some fruits as treats or snacks. However, they also need some supplements to make up for the nutrients that they may not get from their food.

The main components of a bearded dragon diet are:

  • Insects: These are the main source of protein, fat, and energy for bearded dragons. They also provide some vitamins and minerals, such as iron, zinc, and vitamin B12. Bearded dragons need to eat insects every day, especially when they are young and growing.
  • Vegetables: These are the main source of fiber, water, and antioxidants for bearded dragons. They also provide some vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, and calcium. Bearded dragons need to eat vegetables every day, especially when they are adults, and need more fiber to prevent impaction.
  • Fruits: These are the main source of natural sugars, water, and antioxidants for bearded dragons. They also provide some vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium. Bearded dragons can eat fruits occasionally, as treats or snacks, but not too often, as they can cause diarrhea or tooth decay.
  • Supplements: These are the main source of calcium, vitamin D3, and other essential nutrients for bearded dragons. They help prevent metabolic bone disease, a common condition that affects the bones and organs of bearded dragons. They also help prevent nutritional deficiencies, such as vitamin A deficiency or hypovitaminosis A. Bearded dragons need to take supplements regularly, according to the instructions on the label.

How to Provide a Healthy Bearded Dragon Diet

Providing a healthy bearded dragon diet is not difficult, but it does require some planning and preparation. Here are some tips and guidelines on how to feed your bearded dragon properly:

Know your bearded dragon's age and life stage

Bearded dragons have different dietary needs depending on their age and life stage. Baby and juvenile bearded dragons need more insects than adults, while adults need more vegetables than juveniles. Here is a general bearded dragon diet chart by age:

Age Insects Vegetables Fruits Supplements
Baby (0-3 months) 80% of diet 20% of diet Once a week Calcium daily, vitamin D3 twice a week, multivitamin once a week
Juvenile (3-12 months) 60% of diet 40% of diet Twice a week Calcium daily, vitamin D3 twice a week, multivitamin once a week
Adult (12+ months) 20% of diet 80% of diet Twice a week Calcium every other day, vitamin D3 once a week, multivitamin once a week

Choose the best insects for your bearded dragon

The best insects for bearded dragons are crickets, roaches, worms, and locusts. These insects are high in protein, low in fat, and easy to digest. They also have a good calcium-to-phosphorus ratio, which is important for bearded dragon health. Here are some examples of good insects for bearded dragons:

Insect Protein Fat Calcium Phosphorus Ca:P Ratio
Cricket 21% 6% 14 mg/100 g 35 mg/100 g 0.4:1
Roach 23% 7% 40 mg/100 g 71 mg/100 g 0.6:1
Worm 10% 3% 46 mg/100 g 13 mg/100 g 3.5:1
Locust 20% 5% 9 mg/100 g 24 mg/100 g 0.4:1

Choose the best vegetables for your bearded dragon

The best vegetables for bearded dragons are leafy greens, squash, carrots, and bell peppers. These vegetables are high in fiber, water, and antioxidants. They also have a good calcium-to-oxalate ratio, which is important for bearded dragon health. Here are some examples of good vegetables for bearded dragons:

Vegetable Fiber Water Calcium Oxalate Ca:Ox Ratio
Leafy green 2% 90% 120 mg/100 g 10 mg/100 g 12:1
Squash 1% 95% 20 mg/100 g 5 mg/100 g 4:1
Carrot 3% 88% 33 mg/100 g 3 mg/100 g 11:1
Bell pepper 2% 92% 10 mg/100 g 1 mg/100 g 10:1

Choose the best fruits for your bearded dragon

The best fruits for bearded dragons are berries, tomatoes, bananas, and melons. These fruits are high in natural sugars, water, and antioxidants. They also have a low acid content, which is important for bearded dragon health. Here are some examples of good fruits for bearded dragons:

Fruit Sugar Water Acid Vitamin C
Berry 10% 85% 1% 60 mg/100 g
Apple 10% 86% 1% 4 mg/100 g
Banana 12% 75% 1% 9 mg/100 g
Melon 6% 92% 1% 36 mg/100 g

Avoid the worst foods for your bearded dragon

The worst foods for bearded dragons are foods that are high in oxalates, goitrogens, or phosphorus, as these can interfere with their calcium absorption and thyroid function. Some examples of these foods are spinach, kale, broccoli, cabbage, and avocado. The worst foods for bearded dragons are also foods that are high in fat, sugar, or salt, as these can cause obesity, diabetes, or dehydration. Some examples of these foods are nuts, seeds, cheese, chocolate, and processed foods.

Provide fresh water for your bearded dragon

Bearded dragons need water to stay hydrated and healthy. They can drink from a shallow dish, a drip system, or a spray bottle. They can also get some moisture from their food, especially fruits and vegetables. However, you should not soak your bearded dragon in water, as this can cause respiratory infections or drowning. You should also change the water daily and keep it clean and fresh.

Feed your bearded dragon on a schedule

Bearded dragons need a regular feeding schedule to maintain their metabolism and digestion. Depending on their age and appetite, you should feed your bearded dragon once or twice a day. You should also offer them a variety of insects and vegetables, and avoid feeding them the same food every day. You should also remove any uneaten food after 15 minutes, to prevent spoilage and bacteria growth.

Why Bearded Dragon Diet Matters

A bearded dragon with a healthy body condition and a bright color.

The bearded dragons diet matters because it affects their health, growth, and behavior. A healthy bearded dragon diet can prevent many common diseases and disorders, such as metabolic bone disease, impaction, obesity, diabetes, and infections. A healthy bearded dragon diet can also promote their growth, development, and reproduction. A healthy bearded dragon diet can also influence their mood, activity, and personality. A happy bearded dragon is a well-fed bearded dragon.

At Dragon Lovers Hub, we are passionate about bearded dragons and their well-being. We provide you with the best information, tips, and resources on how to care for your bearded dragon. We also share our personal experiences and stories with our bearded dragon friends. Whether you are a new or experienced bearded dragon owner, you will find something useful and interesting on our blog.


Bearded dragons are amazing pets that deserve the best care and attention. One of the most important aspects of bearded dragon care is their diet. Bearded dragons need a balanced diet of insects, vegetables, fruits, and supplements. They also need fresh water and a regular feeding schedule. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your bearded dragon has a healthy and happy life.

We hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new about the bearded dragon diet. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. We would love to hear from you and your bearded dragon. What is your bearded dragon's favorite food? Let us know in the comment section.

Guilherme Lopes

Hello, my name is Guilherme, and I am a writer passionate about animals. Especially for reptiles and amphibians. I've been writing for the internet for about 2 years and recently started producing content for the Dragon Lovers Hub blog.

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