Why Is My Crested Gecko Pale? Causes & Care Tips

a pale crested gecko on top of a big leaf

If you're a crestie owner, you know that a healthy crested gecko will display bright and vibrant colors. However, if you notice that their skin is looking pale, it might be a cause for concern. In this article, we will explore the reasons why your crested gecko might be pale and provide you with valuable care tips to help restore their vibrant colors and ensure their overall health.

Key Takeaways:

  • Healthy crested geckos display bright and vibrant colors.
  • Crested geckos can exhibit a range of colors, including shades of brown, green, and even orange.
  • Pale coloring in crested geckos can be an indication of underlying health issues.
  • Assess your crested gecko's overall health to determine the cause of their paleness.
  • Implement practical care tips to restore your gecko's health and vibrancy.
Table of Contents

Understanding Normal Crested Gecko Coloring

As crested gecko owners, we love watching our pets change color and patterns before our eyes. While we know that they can be brown, green, or even orange, it's important to understand what's considered normal for our geckos. By recognizing their natural coloring patterns, we can identify when something might be amiss.

Crested geckos, like other reptiles, have chromatophores in their skin that allow them to change color to regulate their body temperature, communicate, or blend in with their environment. They can change their coloring based on their mood, such as getting lighter when they're feeling stressed, or getting darker when they're comfortable.

In general, a healthy crested gecko should have vibrant colors that are consistent throughout their body. They should have clear eyes, smooth skin, and a body that's well rounded and not too thin or overweight.

Common crested gecko color variations

Color Description
Brown A common color for crested geckos, can be light or dark brown with or without a pattern.
Green Can range from bright green to olive green, can also have a pattern of spots or stripes.
Orange Less common than brown or green, can be a bright orange or have shades of yellow, pink, or red mixed in.
Bicolor Some crested geckos have a distinct separation between their dorsal and ventral color, such as a green dorsal and yellow ventral.
Het-patterned Some geckos have a pattern that's only visible when they're fired up, such as a pinstripe or harlequin pattern.

Now that we have a basic understanding of normal crested gecko coloring patterns, we can start to analyze when our geckos might be experiencing an issue with their coloration. In the next section, we'll explore some common causes of pale coloring in crested geckos.

Common Causes of Pale Crested Geckos

a pale crested gecko surrounded by flowers

As we mentioned earlier, a pale crested gecko can be an indication of underlying health issues. But what exactly could be causing this color change? In this section, we will list some of the common causes of pale crested geckos, so you can have a better idea of what might be affecting your pet.


Crested geckos are sensitive creatures that can easily become stressed. This stress can be caused by a variety of factors, including changes in their environment, being handled too often, living with a too- dominant cage mate, or experiencing loud or disruptive noises. By addressing these factors, you can help reduce stress and promote your gecko's health and vibrant coloring.

Poor Diet

Crested geckos require a well-balanced diet to maintain their health and vitality. A diet that lacks the proper nutrients or has too many supplements and additives can lead to pale coloring and even other health issues. It's essential to feed your gecko a high-quality, nutritional diet of live insects, fresh fruits, and prepared crested gecko food.

Inadequate Lighting

Lighting plays an essential role in maintaining your crested gecko's health and color vibrancy. Geckos require 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness per day, mimicking their natural environment. Adequate lighting also helps promote calcium absorption, which is crucial for their bone health. If your gecko's habitat lacks proper lighting, this can lead to health issues including pale coloring.

Improper Temperature

Like most reptiles, crested geckos are cold-blooded and rely on their environment to regulate their body temperature. If their habitat is too hot or too cold, this can cause health issues, including pale coloring. Ensure that your gecko's enclosure has a proper temperature gradient, where they can move between warmer and cooler areas as needed.

Skin Shedding Problems

Crested geckos periodically shed their skin, which is a vital part of their growth and development. However, if the shedding process is impaired or incomplete, this can result in pale coloring and other health issues. Make sure that your gecko's habitat has proper humidity levels and provides a shallow pool of water for them to soak in during the shedding process.

Certain Diseases

In rare cases, pale coloring in crested geckos can be a symptom of underlying diseases, including parasitic infections, respiratory issues, or metabolic bone disease. These conditions require prompt veterinary care and treatment to restore your gecko's health and coloration.

Understanding the common causes of pale crested geckos can help you address issues and ensure your gecko's overall well-being. In the next section, we'll guide you through assessing your crested gecko's health comprehensively.

Assessing Your Crested Gecko's Health

a health crested gecko

Maintaining crested gecko health is key to ensure their well-being and vibrant colors. If you notice that your gecko is pale, it's essential to assess their overall health. Here are some steps to take:

  • Check for signs of dehydration, such as sunken eyes or wrinkled skin.
  • Examine their body condition to ensure they're not underweight or overweight.
  • Inspect their skin for any rough patches or stuck shed.
  • Monitor their eating habits to ensure they're getting proper nutrition.

Closely monitoring your gecko's health will allow you to detect any potential health problems early on. If you notice any red flags, consult with a reptile veterinarian who can guide you through the best course of action to take.

Care Tips for Pale Crested Geckos

Now that you have identified the cause of your crested gecko's paleness, it's time to provide the care they need to regain their vibrancy. Taking care of your crested gecko is essential for their overall health and well-being. Here are some tips to help:

  • Adjust their diet: Offer a variety of insects, fruits, and gecko-specific foods to provide a balanced diet. Try to avoid feeding them only one type of insect.
  • Improve habitat conditions: Ensure that the enclosure is the appropriate size, with enough hiding places, climbing opportunities, and proper substrate. Make sure that their enclosure's temperature and humidity levels are within the recommended range.
  • Provide proper lighting and temperature: Use a heat lamp or under-tank heating pad to maintain the correct temperature range. Use UVB light to provide the necessary lighting that aids in calcium absorption.
  • Ensure regular shedding: Provide your gecko with a humid hide box to aid in shedding. Be sure to monitor for signs of retained shed and remove it promptly.
  • Consult with a reptile veterinarian if needed: If your crested gecko's paleness persists, or if you suspect any other health issues, take them to a reptile veterinarian as soon as possible.

By implementing these tips, you can help your crested gecko restore its health, regain its vibrancy, and live a happy life with you!

Pale Crested Gecko Not Eating: What to Do?

If you notice that your crested gecko is pale and not eating, it is essential to take immediate action. Lack of appetite can indicate an underlying health issue or stress, and if left untreated, it can lead to serious health complications.

The first step you should take is to assess your gecko's health. Check their body condition, monitor their hydration levels, and inspect their skin for any abnormalities. These observations can help identify any potential health concerns that may be affecting their appetite.

If everything seems healthy, it's time to offer some tempting food options. Even the pickiest eaters might be tempted by some variety, including live insects, pureed fruits, or baby food. Offering food at night and in a stress-free environment can also help encourage eating.

If your crested gecko continues refusing food, it may be time to seek veterinary assistance. A veterinarian can perform a thorough examination and provide treatment options to get your gecko eating and back to good health.

Remember, proper nutrition is crucial for the overall health and well-being of your crested gecko. Providing a balanced diet, a comfortable environment, and prompt veterinary care when needed can help ensure a long and healthy life for your pet.


In conclusion, taking care of your crested gecko's health and ensuring their well-being is a top priority. Understanding their normal coloring patterns, identifying the causes of paleness, and monitoring their health are crucial steps.

By implementing the care tips provided, such as adjusting their diet, improving their habitat conditions, providing proper lighting and temperature, and seeking veterinary assistance if necessary, you can help restore your crested gecko's vibrant colors and ensure their overall health.

We hope this article has been informative and helpful for you. Remember, a happy and healthy gecko is a colorful gecko. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your crested gecko's health, don't hesitate to reach out to your local reptile veterinarian. Thank you for reading!

Additional resource


Why is my crested gecko pale?

There are several reasons why your crested gecko might be pale, including stress, poor diet, inadequate lighting, improper temperature, skin shedding problems, or even certain diseases. It's important to assess their overall health and make any necessary adjustments to their care.

How can I assess my crested gecko's health?

To assess your crested gecko's health, you should check for signs of dehydration, examine their body condition, inspect their skin for any abnormalities, and monitor their eating habits. By closely observing their health, you can identify any red flags and take appropriate action.

What are some care tips for pale crested geckos?

Keeping your crested gecko healthy and vibrant involves adjusting their diet, improving their habitat conditions, providing proper lighting and temperature, ensuring regular shedding, and consulting a reptile veterinarian if needed. These care tips will help your gecko regain its health and restore its vibrant colors.

What should I do if my crested gecko is pale and not eating?

If your crested gecko is pale and not eating, it is important to address this issue promptly. Offer tempting food options, create a stress-free environment, and consider seeking veterinary assistance to determine the underlying cause and ensure your gecko receives the necessary care.

Guilherme Lopes

Hello, my name is Guilherme, and I am a writer passionate about animals. Especially for reptiles and amphibians. I've been writing for the internet for about 2 years and recently started producing content for the Dragon Lovers Hub blog.

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