What Do Red Eyed Crocodile Skinks Eat? A Complete Guide to their Diet

feeding a worm to a red eyed crocodile skink

Hey, are you curious about what do red eyed crocodile skinks eat? If you are, you've come to the right place. In this article, I'll tell you everything you need to know about red eyed crocodile skink food and how to feed them properly.

Red eyed crocodile skinks are amazing reptiles that look like mini crocodiles with bright red eyes. They are native to New Guinea and some nearby islands, where they live in moist and shady forests near streams and ponds.

Despite they are becoming more popular as pets these days because of their unique appearance and personality, feeding red eyed crocodile skinks can be tricky.

It's because they have specific dietary needs and preferences that you need to meet to keep them healthy and happy

Also, they have some special requirements during breeding and egg-laying seasons, and they can be picky eaters sometimes.

So, how do you feed your red eyed crocodile skink the right way? What kind of food do they eat in the wild and in captivity? How often do you need to feed them?

Do they eat fish? What about female crocodile skink food? These are some of the questions that I'll answer in this guide. So, let's get started!

Table of Contents

Red Eyed Crocodile Skink Food in the Wild

In the wild, red eyed crocodile skinks eat a variety of insects and other small invertebrates that they find on the forest floor or in the water.

They are opportunistic hunters that will eat anything that fits in their mouth, but they have some favorites and some dislikes.

Some of the insects that red eyed crocodile skinks eat in the wild are:

  • Crickets
  • Roaches
  • Beetles
  • Ants
  • Termites
  • Grasshoppers
  • Caterpillars
  • Moths
  • Flies
  • Spiders
  • Centipedes
  • Millipedes

Red eyed crocodile skinks also get water and calcium from their natural habitat, because they drink water from dew, rain, and puddles. And they also eat snail shells and other sources of calcium to strengthen their bones and shells.

Red Eyed Crocodile Skink Food in Captivity

a red eyed crocodile skink with aating a worm

In captivity, red eyed crocodile skink food should mimic their natural diet as much as possible. That means you need to feed them live or frozen insects supplemented with calcium and vitamins.

You also need to provide them with fresh water and a humid environment, and some of the best insects to feed your red eyed crocodile skink are:

  • Crickets
  • Roaches
  • Mealworms
  • Waxworms
  • Earthworms

These insects are nutritious, easy to find, and affordable, and you can buy them from pet stores, online, or breed them yourself.

You can also collect them from your backyard, but make sure they are not exposed to pesticides or other chemicals.

Gut-load Insects

Also, you need to gut-load and dust the insects before feeding them to your red eyed crocodile skink. Gut-loading means feeding the insects with nutritious food, such as fruits, vegetables, or commercial gut-load products.

Dusting means coating the insects with calcium and vitamin powders, such as ReptiCalcium or ReptiVite, as these supplements will help your red eyed crocodile skink avoid nutritional deficiencies and diseases.

Other Foods To Include In Your Red Eyed Crocodile Skink Diet

You can also offer some variety and treats to your red eyed crocodile skink once in a while. Some of the foods that you can give them occasionally are:

  • Fruits, such as banana, apple, or melon

  • Vegetables, such as carrot, squash, or kale

  • Commercial reptile foods, such as pellets, canned, or freeze-dried

  • Fish, such as guppies, minnows, or goldfish (only very rarely and with caution)

These foods can provide some extra nutrients and hydration to your red eyed crocodile skink, but they should not be the main part of their diet.

It's because they can also cause some problems if given too often or in large amounts, such as obesity, diarrhea, or infections. So, be careful and moderate when feeding these foods to your red eyed crocodile skink.

How Often to Feed Your Red Eyed Crocodile Skink

How often you need to feed your red eyed crocodile skink depends on several factors, such as their age, size, and activity level. There is no one-size-fits-all rule, but here is a general guideline that you can follow:

  • Juveniles (less than 6 months old): Feed them every day or every other day, depending on their appetite and growth. Offer them 3 to 5 insects per feeding, or as much as they can eat in 15 minutes.

  • Adults (more than 6 months old): Feed them once every two or three days, depending on their appetite and weight. Offer them 5 to 10 insects per feeding, or as much as they can eat in 15 minutes.

You can adjust the frequency and quantity of feeding according to your red eyed crocodile skink's individual needs, and you can also vary the type and size of insects that you offer them, depending on their preference and availability.

Check Your Red Eyed Crocodile Skink Size And Health

Also, you need to monitor your red eyed crocodile skink's body condition and health regularly, by checking their tail, belly, and spine.

Their tail should be thick and round, their belly should be full but not bloated, and their spine should not be visible, as these are signs of a healthy and well-fed red eyed crocodile skink.

Some signs of overfeeding or underfeeding your red eyed crocodile skink are:

  • Obesity: If your red eyed crocodile skink is overweight, you will notice that their tail is too fat, their belly is too big, and their legs are too short. They may also have difficulty moving, breathing, or shedding.

  • Lethargy: If your red eyed crocodile skink is underfed, you will notice that they are less active, less alert, and less responsive. They may also have a dull color, a thin tail, and a sunken belly.

If you notice any of these signs, you need to adjust the feeding schedule and amount of your red eyed crocodile skink.

You can also consult a veterinarian if you are unsure or concerned about your red eyed crocodile skink's health.

Do Red Eyed Crocodile Skinks Eat Fish?

You may wonder if red eyed crocodile skinks eat fish, since they are semi-aquatic reptiles that can swim and dive.

And the answer is yes, they can eat fish, but they should not. Fish are not a suitable food for red eyed crocodile skinks for several reasons.

1. They Are Hight In fat And Phosphorus

First, fish are high in fat and phosphorus, which can cause imbalance in the calcium-to-phosphorus ratio of your red eyed crocodile skink.

This can lead to metabolic bone disease, a condition that weakens the bones and shells of your red eyed crocodile skink.

2. They Can Carry Parasites And Diseases

Second, fish can carry parasites and diseases that can infect your red eyed crocodile skink. Some of these parasites and diseases are:

  • Flukes
  • Tapeworms
  • Roundworms
  • Ich
  • Fin rot
  • Fungal infections
  • Bacterial infections

These parasites and diseases can cause symptoms, such as loss of appetite, weight loss, diarrhea, skin lesions, or death.

3. They lack Calcium

Third, fish lack calcium and other nutrients that your red eyed crocodile skink needs. Fish are mostly water and protein, which are not enough to sustain your red eyed crocodile skink's health and growth.

Your red eyed crocodile skink needs more calcium, vitamins, and minerals to thrive. So, fish are not a good food for your red eyed crocodile skink.

If you want to feed them fish, you should only do it very rarely and with caution, and you should also make sure that the fish are small, fresh, and clean.

You should also quarantine the fish for at least two weeks before feeding them to your red eyed crocodile skink. And you should never feed them fish that are saltwater, frozen, or cooked.

There are better alternatives to fish that your red eyed crocodile skink can eat, such as:

  • Aquatic insects, such as water beetles, water bugs, or dragonfly larvae

  • Shrimp, such as brine shrimp, ghost shrimp, or cherry shrimp

  • Snails, such as ramshorn snails, pond snails, or mystery snails

These foods are more natural, nutritious, and safe for your red eyed crocodile skink, as they can also provide some enrichment and stimulation for your red eyed crocodile skink, as they can hunt and chase them in the water.

Female Crocodile Skink Food

Female crocodile skink food may differ from male crocodile skink food, especially during breeding and egg-laying seasons.

It Happens because the female crocodile skinks need more calcium and protein to produce healthy eggs and offspring, and they also need more food and water to replenish their energy and hydration.

Some of the ways to increase the calcium and protein intake of female crocodile skink food are:

  • Offer more calcium-dusted insects, such as crickets, roaches, or mealworms

  • Add cuttlebone or eggshells to the enclosure, as a source of calcium that your female crocodile skink can nibble on

  • Provide extra food and water to your female crocodile skink during breeding and egg-laying seasons, as they may eat and drink more than usual

  • Monitor your female crocodile skink's weight and health, as they may lose or gain weight during these periods

These tips will help your female crocodile skink produce healthy eggs and offspring, and they will also prevent complications, such as egg binding, calcium deficiency, or dehydration.


So, what do red eyed crocodile skinks eat? As you can see, they eat a variety of insects and other invertebrates in the wild and in captivity.

They also need calcium and vitamin supplements to prevent nutritional deficiencies and diseases, and they also need fresh water and a humid environment to stay hydrated and healthy.

So, feeding your red eyed crocodile skink the right way is important for their health and happiness, and it can also improve their longevity and behavior.

By following the guidelines and tips in this article, you can provide a balanced and varied diet for your red eyed crocodile skink and enjoy their company for years to come.

If you want to learn more about red eyed crocodile skink food and care, you can check out these resources:

Red Eyed Crocodile Skink Care Guide

Everything You Need To Know About Crocodile Skinks

Ebook - Red Eye Crocodile Skinks As Pets: Facts and Information

I hope you found this article helpful and informative, and if you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. Thank you for reading and happy feeding!

Additional Resource


What are the signs of a healthy red eyed crocodile skink?

A healthy red eyed crocodile skink has a thick and round tail, a full but not bloated belly, and a spine that is not visible.

How can I tell the gender of my red eyed crocodile skink?

You can tell the gender of your red eyed crocodile skink by looking at their head size, ear size, and tail base. Males have larger heads, larger ears, and thicker tail bases than females.

How can I breed my red eyed crocodile skinks?

You can breed your red eyed crocodile skinks by providing them with a suitable enclosure, a temperature drop, a nesting box, and a mate. You should also monitor their health and behavior during breeding and egg-laying seasons.

How can I handle my red eyed crocodile skink?

You can handle your red eyed crocodile skink by being gentle, calm, and patient. You should also wash your hands before and after handling, and avoid grabbing, squeezing, or dropping your red eyed crocodile skink.

How can I prevent diseases and parasites in my red eyed crocodile skink?

You can prevent diseases and parasites in your red eyed crocodile skink by keeping their enclosure clean, dry, and well-ventilated. You should also quarantine any new or sick red eyed crocodile skinks, and treat any infections or infestations promptly.

Do red-eyed crocodile skinks like to be held?

No, red-eyed crocodile skinks do not like to be held. They are shy and secretive reptiles that prefer to hide and avoid human contact. They may also bite or scream if handled.

Do red-eyed crocodile skinks need a heat lamp?

Yes, red-eyed crocodile skinks need a heat lamp to provide them with a basking spot of about 85°F (29°C). They also need a gradient of temperatures in their enclosure, ranging from 75°F (24°C) to 85°F (29°C).

Can red-eyed crocodile skinks eat wax worms?

Yes, red-eyed crocodile skinks can eat wax worms, but only as an occasional treat. Wax worms are high in fat and low in calcium, which can cause obesity and metabolic bone disease if fed too often.

How long do red-eyed crocodile skinks live?

Red-eyed crocodile skinks can live up to 10 years in captivity, if they are well cared for. Their lifespan in the wild is unknown, but it may be shorter due to predators and diseases.

Do crocodile skinks need UV?

Yes, crocodile skinks need UV light to synthesize vitamin D3, which helps them absorb calcium and prevent metabolic bone disease. They need a UVB bulb that emits 5% to 10% UVB rays.

Do crocodile skinks like to be handled?

No, crocodile skinks do not like to be handled. They are timid and nervous reptiles that stress easily when disturbed. They may also bite or scream if handled.

Guilherme Lopes

Hello, my name is Guilherme, and I am a writer passionate about animals. Especially for reptiles and amphibians. I've been writing for the internet for about 2 years and recently started producing content for the Dragon Lovers Hub blog.

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