Strawberry Pacman Frog: Care Guide & Tips

A plump, round strawberry pacman frog with bright orange skin and red spots on its back.

Welcome to our comprehensive care guide for the strawberry pacman frog. If you're a fan of amphibians, you'll be captivated by these unique creatures. The strawberry pacman frog, also known as the ornate horned frog, is a fascinating terrestrial amphibian native to South America.

With their rounded appearance and enormous mouths, strawberry pacman frogs resemble the iconic character Pacman from the popular arcade game. While they may not be the most active or interactive pets, they make for interesting companions and are relatively common in the pet trade.

In this care guide, we'll provide you with essential tips and information to ensure the well-being of your strawberry pacman frog. From housing and environment setup to temperature and lighting requirements, we'll cover everything you need to know to create the perfect habitat for your pet frog. Additionally, we'll discuss the proper feeding and nutrition, common health issues to watch out for, and tips for choosing a healthy strawberry pacman frog.

Key Takeaways:

  • The strawberry pacman frog is a unique terrestrial amphibian native to South America.
  • These frogs have a rounded appearance and large mouths, resembling the character Pacman from the arcade game.
  • They are not very active or interactive, making them more suitable for viewing rather than handling.
  • Proper housing, temperature, and lighting are crucial for the well-being of your strawberry pacman frog.
  • Pacman frogs are insectivores and have a varied diet that includes insects, small fish, and smaller frogs.

Table of Contents

Overview of the Strawberry Pacman Frog

The strawberry pacman frog, scientifically known as Ceratophrys ornata, is a species of ornate horned frog. These frogs are docile and relatively easy to care for. They can reach a size of about 6 inches in length, with females being larger than males. In captivity, they have a lifespan of around 6 years. Pacman frogs get their common name from the popular PacMan arcade game due to their rounded appearance and large mouths.

The strawberry pacman frog, also referred to as the ornate horned frog or Pacman frog, is a fascinating amphibian that captivates enthusiasts with its unique physical features and charming demeanor. With their rounded bodies and wide mouths reminiscent of the iconic video game character, these frogs make for an intriguing addition to any amphibian lover's collection.

Ceratophrys ornata, the scientific name for the strawberry pacman frog, further emphasizes the distinctive qualities of this species. Known for their docile nature, these frogs are relatively easy to care for, making them an ideal choice for both beginner and experienced amphibian keepers.

Size and Lifespan

Strawberry pacman frogs typically grow to be approximately 6 inches in length, with females generally larger than males. In captivity, they have an average lifespan of around 6 years, providing ample time to enjoy the companionship of these captivating creatures.

"With their unique appearance and easy-going temperament, strawberry pacman frogs are a fascinating addition to any amphibian enthusiast's collection."


The strawberry pacman frog boasts vibrant hues of red, orange, and brown, resembling a deliciously ripe strawberry. Their skin is covered in small bumps, adding to their overall textured appearance. Their large eyes provide excellent vision, allowing them to spot prey with ease.

One striking feature of the strawberry pacman frog is its enormous mouth, which it uses to consume its prey in a single, mighty gulp. It is important to note that while their mouths may be large, these frogs are generally not a threat to humans, as they primarily feed on smaller animals, insects, and other invertebrates in their natural habitat.

Behavior and Temperament:

Strawberry pacman frogs are known for their sedentary lifestyle. They spend the majority of their time burrowed in the substrate, waiting for prey to pass by. Due to their docile nature, they are not particularly active and do not require much space to thrive. These frogs prefer a more solitary existence and do not seek human interaction.

"Strawberry pacman frogs are best admired from a distance, allowing them to live comfortably in their natural habitat within their terrarium."

Comparison of Strawberry Pacman Frog Characteristics:

Feature Strawberry Pacman Frog
Scientific Name Ceratophrys ornata
Size Around 6 inches in length
Lifespan Average of 6 years
Coloration Vibrant red, orange, and brown
Temperament Docile and sedentary

Housing and Environment

When it comes to creating the perfect habitat for your strawberry pacman frog, there are a few key factors to consider. While these frogs are not very active, they still require a suitable environment to thrive. Here are the essential tank requirements and terrarium setup guidelines to ensure the comfort and well-being of your pacman frog.

Tank Size and Setup

Pacman frogs do not need a large cage due to their sedentary nature. A 10-gallon tank is sufficient for one frog, but be sure to house them alone as they have a notorious appetite and may mistake tank mates for food. Line the tank with smooth rocks or paper as substrate, providing a comfortable yet safe surface for your frog.

To mimic their natural habitat, decorate the tank with leaf litter or moss along with some live or artificial plants. This will create hiding spots and allow your pacman frog to burrow and feel secure. Adding visual elements like branches and hollow logs can also enhance the overall aesthetics of the terrarium.

Humidity and Water

Pacman frogs thrive in a properly humid environment, so daily misting is crucial. Maintain a humidity level between 50% and 80% by spraying the tank walls and substrate. This will help prevent dehydration and aid in shedding, ensuring healthy skin for your frog.

In addition to misting, provide a shallow bowl of water for your pacman frog to drink and soak in. Place the water dish in a warmer part of the cage to encourage your frog to utilize it. This will also help maintain the desired humidity levels within the tank.

For a visual representation of the tank setup guidelines, refer to the table below:

Tank Size Substrate Decorations Humidity Water Dish
20-gallon Paper or smooth rocks Leaf litter or moss, live or artificial plants 50%-80% Shallow dish in a warmer area

A strawberry pacman frog habitat that showcases its ideal natural environment.

By providing a well-suited habitat and following these tank requirements, you can ensure that your strawberry pacman frog feels right at home and thrives in its environment.

Temperature and Lighting

Proper temperature and lighting are crucial for the well-being of your strawberry pacman frog. Maintaining the right temperature helps ensure their metabolic functions and overall health.

During the day, the tank should be kept at around 82°F, providing them with a warm and comfortable environment. To mimic natural temperature fluctuations, it's essential to allow the temperature to drop to around 78°F at night.

Temperature Requirements Lighting
Daytime: 82°F Nighttime: 78°F

A Pacman frog habitat with the perfect lighting and temperature.

To provide the necessary heat, an under-tank heater is recommended. These heaters are placed beneath the tank, supplying gentle and consistent warmth to the strawberry pacman frog's habitat. Unlike overhead incandescent bulbs, which can contribute to drying, under-tank heaters offer more controlled heating.

Regarding lighting, a fluorescent fixture is suitable for providing illumination in the pacman frog's enclosure. It's essential to mimic a natural day and night cycle, with 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness. Some frog owners suggest using a UVA/UVB light to provide additional light that mimics natural sunlight exposure.

Remember, maintaining the proper temperature and lighting conditions is vital for the health and well-being of your pacman frog.

Feeding and Nutrition

Feeding your strawberry pacman frog a proper diet is essential for its overall health and well-being. These insectivores have a wide appetite and will eagerly consume a variety of insects and small prey items. Here's what you need to know about the strawberry pacman frog diet, feeding schedule, and the importance of gut-loaded insects.

1. Strawberry Pacman Frog Diet

Pacman frogs are not picky eaters and can be fed a variety of insects, including crickets, mealworms, wax worms, silkworms, and small fish. As they grow, they can also consume smaller frogs. However, it's important to note that the size of the prey should be appropriate for the frog's mouth to prevent choking or injury.

2. Feeding Schedule

The feeding schedule for pacman frogs depends on their size and age. Smaller frogs should be fed a variety of gut-loaded insects daily to meet their nutritional needs. Gut-loading refers to feeding the insects a nutrient-rich diet before offering them to the frog. This ensures that the frog receives the necessary vitamins and minerals.

As pacman frogs grow larger and are transitioned to larger prey items such as mice or fish, the feeding frequency can be reduced to every few days. Adjust the feeding schedule based on your frog's body condition to avoid overfeeding or underfeeding.

3. Importance of Gut-Loaded Insects

Gut-loaded insects are crucial for providing pacman frogs with a balanced diet. These insects are fed nutrient-rich diets, which are then passed on to the frog when it consumes them. Proper gut-loading ensures that the frog receives essential vitamins, minerals, and calcium necessary for bone growth and overall health.

When feeding the pacman frog, it's recommended to dust the insects with supplemental calcium powder. This helps to further boost their calcium intake, preventing calcium deficiency and related health issues.

Remember to always provide clean, fresh water for your pacman frog to drink and soak in. The water bowl should be shallow and located in a warmer part of the enclosure, allowing the frog to easily access it.

A Pacman frog with a plump stomach surrounded by various insects and worms.

Feeding your pacman frog a balanced diet of gut-loaded insects is vital for its growth and overall health. Ensure to provide a variety of prey items and adjust the feeding frequency accordingly. Don't forget to dust the insects with calcium powder to support bone development. Remember, a healthy and well-fed pacman frog is a happy frog!

Common Health Issues

Pacman frogs are generally hardy creatures, but they can be prone to a few common health issues that owners should be aware of. Here are some of the most prevalent health concerns for pacman frogs:

Skin and Eye Infections

One of the main health issues that pacman frogs may face is bacterial and fungal infections of the skin and eyes. These infections can manifest as redness, swelling, or the presence of pus. If you notice any of these symptoms, it is crucial to seek veterinary attention promptly. A veterinarian will be able to prescribe appropriate treatment to clear the infection and prevent further complications.

Parasitic Infections

Pacman frogs are also susceptible to parasitic infections, particularly in warm tank conditions. These parasites can harm the health of the frog and should be dealt with promptly. Regular fecal examinations can help detect any parasitic infestations early on. Maintaining proper tank hygiene and cleanliness is another effective way to prevent parasitic infections.

Respiratory Infections and Ammonia Poisoning

Respiratory infections can occur in pacman frogs when the tank does not have adequate humidity or cleanliness. These infections can cause symptoms such as wheezing, difficulty breathing, and mucus discharge from the nose. Additionally, ammonia poisoning can result from poor water quality or insufficient tank maintenance. It is important to monitor the humidity levels in the tank and ensure proper ventilation to prevent these respiratory issues.

In summary, while pacman frogs are generally hardy pets, it is essential to be vigilant about their health. Regular check-ups, proper tank maintenance, and prompt veterinary attention can help prevent and address common health issues, ensuring the well-being of your pacman frog.

Choosing a Healthy Strawberry Pacman Frog

When it comes to buying a strawberry pacman frog, it's crucial to select a healthy and vibrant one to ensure a positive beginning to your journey as a frog owner. To help you make an informed decision, here are some essential tips to consider:

  • Look for an active and alert frog: A healthy pacman frog should be lively, showing curiosity and interest in its surroundings. Avoid frogs that appear sluggish or lethargic.
  • Check their eyes: Clear and bright eyes indicate good health in a strawberry pacman frog. Avoid frogs with cloudy or dull eyes, as this could be a sign of infection or illness.
  • Inspect the skin: A blemish-free and smooth skin texture is an indicator of a healthy frog. Avoid frogs with lesions, ulcers, or discolored patches on their skin.
  • Observe their eating behavior: It's ideal to witness the frog consuming food before making a purchase. A healthy pacman frog should readily accept food without hesitation.

Choosing captive-bred frogs from reputable breeders is highly recommended when buying a pacman frog. Captive-bred frogs are less likely to have parasites or other health issues compared to wild-caught frogs. Take the time to research and select a knowledgeable and trusted breeder who can provide you with a complete health history of the frog, ensuring a healthy and well-adjusted companion for years to come.

"A healthy pacman frog exhibits active behavior, clear eyes, and blemish-free skin."

Reputable Breeders' Checklist:

Considerations Points to Evaluate
Reputation and experience of the breeder Research the breeder's background, reviews, and customer feedback to ensure they have a solid track record and positive reputation in the industry.
Health guarantees and certifications Inquire about any health guarantees or certifications provided by the breeder. A reputable breeder should offer transparency and assurance of the frog's health.
Condition of the frog's housing Inspect the frog's habitat and living conditions to ensure cleanliness, appropriate lighting, temperature, and overall good maintenance.
Knowledge and availability for guidance Verify that the breeder is knowledgeable about Pacman frog care and is willing to provide ongoing guidance and support if needed.


In conclusion, caring for a strawberry pacman frog is a rewarding experience for amphibian enthusiasts. These fascinating creatures are relatively easy to care for and provide a unique glimpse into the world of pet amphibians. By creating a suitable habitat, maintaining optimal temperature and lighting, and providing a varied and nutritious diet, you can ensure the health and well-being of your strawberry pacman frog.

It is important to note that strawberry pacman frogs are not suitable for handling and prefer a more solitary and sedentary lifestyle. However, their vibrant colors and interesting behavior make them a captivating addition to any amphibian collection. With proper care and attention, these beginner-friendly pets can thrive and bring joy to their owners.

Whether you are a seasoned amphibian enthusiast or a beginner looking for an intriguing pet, the strawberry pacman frog offers a unique and fascinating experience. Their low-maintenance care requirements and their ability to adapt to a terrarium environment make them an excellent choice for those venturing into the world of pet amphibians. So, if you are ready to embark on an exciting journey with a captivating companion, consider welcoming a strawberry pacman frog into your home.


What is a strawberry pacman frog?

A strawberry pacman frog, also known as an ornate horned frog or Pacman frog, is a terrestrial amphibian native to South America. It has a rounded appearance and large mouth, resembling the character Pacman from the popular arcade game.

Are strawberry pacman frogs good pets?

Strawberry pacman frogs can make interesting pets, but they are not the best for handling as they are not very active or interactive. They are more suitable for observing and providing the right habitat for their needs.

How big do strawberry pacman frogs get?

Strawberry pacman frogs can reach a size of about 6 inches in length, with females being larger than males.

What do I need to set up a tank for a strawberry pacman frog?

For a strawberry pacman frog, you will need a relatively small tank. A 10-gallon tank is sufficient for one frog. You should line the tank with paper or smooth rocks, add leaf litter or moss and some live or artificial plants for the frog to burrow and hide.

What temperature and lighting do strawberry pacman frogs need?

Strawberry pacman frogs need a temperature of around 82°F during the day and a drop to around 78°F at night. Heat can be supplied with an under-tank heater, and lighting can be provided by a fluorescent fixture following a 12-hour light and 12-hour dark cycle.

What do strawberry pacman frogs eat?

Strawberry pacman frogs are insectivores and can eat a variety of insects such as crickets, mealworms, wax worms, and silkworms. As they grow, they can also eat small fish and smaller frogs.

How often should I feed my strawberry pacman frog?

Smaller frogs should be fed insects daily, while larger frogs that are fed mice or fish can be fed every few days. It is important to dust the insects with supplemental calcium for bone growth.

What are common health issues for strawberry pacman frogs?

Strawberry pacman frogs are susceptible to bacterial and fungal infections of the skin and eyes. They can also be prone to parasitic infections and respiratory infections if the tank lacks proper humidity or cleanliness.

How do I choose a healthy strawberry pacman frog?

When choosing a strawberry pacman frog, look for an active, alert frog with clear eyes and blemish-free skin. It is recommended to observe the frog eat before purchasing, and buy captive-bred frogs from reputable breeders for a healthier pet.

Guilherme Lopes

Hello, my name is Guilherme, and I am a writer passionate about animals. Especially for reptiles and amphibians. I've been writing for the internet for about 2 years and recently started producing content for the Dragon Lovers Hub blog.

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