The Pros and Cons of Owning a Red Eyed Tree Frog Pet

a red eyed tree frog on top of a book

Have you ever dreamed of having a pet that looks like a living jewel? A pet that has bright green skin, blue and yellow stripes, and stunning red eyes?

A pet that can climb walls, jump high, and make funny noises? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you might be interested in getting a red eyed tree frog pet.

Red eyed tree frogs are one of the most beautiful and fascinating amphibians in the world. They are native to the rainforests of Central and South America, where they spend most of their time on the trees. 

But before you rush to the nearest pet store or online seller, you should know that red eyed tree frogs are not easy pets to keep, as they have very specific and demanding requirements for their habitat, diet, and care.

In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know before getting a red eyed tree frog pet. We will also discuss some of the pros and cons of owning a red eyed tree frog pet, and help you decide if this is the right pet for you.

Pros of owning a red eyed tree frog pet:

  • They are beautiful and exotic animals, that will add color and charm to your home.
  • They are long-lived and hardy animals, that can live up to 10 years or more, with proper care and attention.
  • They are unique and interesting animals, that have a lot of personality and behavior, that you can observe and enjoy.
  • They are rewarding and fun animals, that you can breed and raise, and witness their amazing transformation and diversity.

Cons of owning a red eyed tree frog pet:

  • They are difficult and demanding animals, that require a lot of knowledge and experience to keep them healthy and happy.
  • They are sensitive and delicate animals, that can easily get stressed and sick, and need constant monitoring and treatment.
  • They are not very interactive or cuddly animals, that prefer to be left alone most of the time and do not like to be handled or played with.
Table of Contents

What You Need to Know Before Getting a Red Eyed Tree Frog Pet

The first thing you need to know before getting a red eyed tree frog pet is that they are not suitable for beginners.

It's because they are not like dogs, cats, or hamsters, that you can just buy and bring home without much preparation or research. They are exotic animals that require a lot of knowledge and experience to keep them healthy and happy.

1 - They Need A Suitable Habitat

One of the main challenges of owning a red eyed tree frog pet is creating and maintaining a suitable habitat for them. Red eyed tree frogs need a tall and spacious terrarium that mimics their natural environment.

They need a humid and warm climate, with plenty of plants, branches, and hiding places, and they also need a proper lighting system that simulates the day and night cycle and a heating system that keeps the temperature stable and comfortable.

2 - Feeding And Supplementing

Another challenge of owning a red eyed tree frog pet is feeding and supplementing them. Red eyed tree frogs are insectivores, meaning they eat live insects such as crickets, roaches, and worms.

They need a varied and nutritious diet, with calcium and vitamin supplements to prevent bone and metabolic disorders. Also, they need fresh and clean water to drink and soak in, preferably filtered or dechlorinated.

3 - Caring And Handling

A third challenge of owning a red eyed tree frog pet is caring and handling them. Red eyed tree frogs are very sensitive and delicate animals, that can easily get stressed and sick.

They are susceptible to infections, parasites, and fungal diseases, that can be fatal if not treated promptly, and they also have very thin and permeable skin, that can absorb harmful chemicals and substances from your hands or the environment.

Therefore, you need to be very careful and gentle when handling them, and always wash your hands before and after touching them.

4 - Consider The Legal And Ethical Issues

Besides these challenges, you also need to consider some of the legal and ethical issues of owning a red eyed tree frog pet.

Red eyed tree frogs are not endangered, but they are threatened by habitat loss, deforestation, and climate change.

Therefore, you should only buy red eyed tree frogs that are captive-bred and not wild-caught, to avoid contributing to their population decline and suffering.

You should also check the laws and regulations of your state or country, to make sure that owning a red eyed tree frog pet is legal and permitted.

5 - Find A Reputable Seller

Finally, you need to find a reputable seller or breeder, that can provide you with a healthy and captive-bred red eyed tree frog pet.

You should avoid buying red eyed tree frogs from pet stores, online sellers, or backyard breeders, that may not have the proper knowledge, experience, or facilities to care for them.

You should look for a professional and ethical breeder, that can provide you with the necessary information, documentation, and support for your red eyed tree frog pet.

Also, you should inspect the red eyed tree frog before buying it, and look for signs of good health and quality, such as bright colors, clear eyes, smooth skin, and active behavior.

Related Reads:

Red Eyed Tree Frog Diet: What Do They Eat?

Can Red Eyed Tree Frogs Live with Green Tree Frogs?

How to Set Up a Red Eyed Tree Frog Habitat

a red eyed tree frog holding a book inside a grass den

The most important and essential part of owning a red eyed tree frog pet is setting up a suitable habitat for them.

A good habitat will provide your red eyed tree frog pet with a comfortable and stimulating environment, that will meet their physical and psychological needs.

While a bad habitat will cause your red eyed tree frog pet to suffer from stress, disease, and boredom, which will affect their health and happiness.

1 - Choose The Right Enclosure

The first thing you need to do is to choose the right enclosure for your red eyed tree frog pet. The enclosure should be a tall and spacious terrarium, preferably made of glass or acrylic, that can hold at least 10 gallons of water.

The terrarium should have a secure lid, with plenty of ventilation holes or mesh, to prevent escapes and ensure air circulation. Also, the terrarium should have enough room for plants, branches, and decorations, that will create a natural and realistic setting for your red eyed tree frog pet.

2 - Prepare The Substrate And Drainage

The second thing you need to do is to prepare the substrate and drainage layer for your red eyed tree frog pet. The substrate is the material that covers the bottom of the terrarium, and provides a base for the plants and decorations.

The substrate should be organic and moisture-retaining, such as coconut fiber, sphagnum moss, or peat moss, which will help maintain the humidity and pH levels of the terrarium.

Furthermore, the drainage layer is the layer of gravel, rocks, or clay balls, that goes under the substrate, and allows excess water to drain and prevent mold and bacteria growth.

The drainage layer should be about 2 inches thick, and covered with a layer of mesh or fabric, to prevent the substrate from mixing with it.

3 - Add Plants And Decorations

The third thing you need to do is to add plants, branches, and decorations to your red eyed tree frog pet's habitat. These items will provide your red eyed tree frog pet with places to climb, hide, and rest, as well as enhance the appearance and naturalness of the terrarium.

You can use live or artificial plants, depending on your preference and budget, but make sure they are safe and suitable for your red eyed tree frog pet.

4 - Install A Heating And Lighting Systems

The fourth thing you need to do is to install the heating and lighting systems for your red eyed tree frog pet's habitat. These systems will provide your red eyed tree frog pet with the optimal temperature and light conditions, that will regulate their metabolism and behavior.

The lighting system should consist of a fluorescent or LED light, that will provide your red eyed tree frog pet with a 12-hour day and night cycle, and a UVB light, that will provide your red eyed tree frog pet with the essential vitamin D3, which helps them absorb calcium and prevent metabolic bone disease.

5 - Add A Water Dish And A Misting System

The fifth thing you need to do is to add a water dish and a misting system to your red eyed tree frog pet's habitat. These items will provide your red eyed tree frog pet with fresh and clean water to drink and soak in, as well as maintain the humidity and moisture levels of the terrarium.

The misting system should consist of a spray bottle, a misting pump, or a fogger, that will spray or fog the terrarium with water several times a day, or as needed, to keep the humidity between 60 and 80 percent.

The Pros and Cons of Owning a Red Eyed Tree Frog Pet: A Summary

We hope that this article has given you a comprehensive and informative overview of what it takes to own a red eyed tree frog pet.

If you are still interested and determined to get a red eyed tree frog pet, we encourage you to do more research and learning, and find a reputable seller or breeder, that can provide you with a healthy and captive-bred red eyed tree frog pet.

We also recommend you  join a red eyed tree frog pet community, such as a forum, a group, or a club, where you can meet other red eyed tree frog pet owners, and share your questions, experiences, and tips.

We wish you all the best with your red eyed tree frog pet, and we hope that you will have a wonderful and fulfilling relationship with them.

Additional Resource


Here are some of the frequently asked questions and answers on red eyed tree frog pet care.

How much does a red eyed tree frog cost?

A red eyed tree frog pet can cost anywhere from $20 to $100, depending on the size, age, quality, and availability of the frog. You also need to consider the cost of the habitat, the food, the supplements, and the veterinary care, that can add up to several hundred dollars.

How long do red eyed tree frogs live?

Red eyed tree frogs can live up to 10 years or more in captivity, with proper care and attention. However, their lifespan can vary depending on their genetics, health, diet, and environment.

How big do red eyed tree frogs get?

Red eyed tree frogs can grow up to 3 inches in length, from snout to vent. The males are usually smaller and slimmer than the females, and weigh about 0.3 ounces. The females are usually larger and plumper than the males, and weigh about 0.5 ounces.

Are red eyed tree frogs poisonous?

Red eyed tree frogs are not poisonous, but they do have some toxins in their skin, that can deter predators and parasites. However, these toxins are not harmful to humans, unless you have an allergic reaction or a wound infection. You should always wash your hands before and after handling your red eyed tree frog pet, and avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.

How many red eyed tree frogs can live together?

Red eyed tree frogs are social animals, that can live together in groups, as long as they have enough space and resources. You should provide at least 10 gallons of water per frog, and avoid overcrowding or overfeeding them. You should also keep the male to female ratio balanced, to prevent aggression or stress.

How do you tell if a red eyed tree frog is male or female?

You can tell the difference between male and female red eyed tree frogs by looking at their size, shape, and color. The males are smaller and slimmer than the females, and have a dark brown throat and a vocal sac. The females are larger and plumper than the males, and have a light green throat and no vocal sac.

How do you handle a red eyed tree frog?

You should handle your red eyed tree frog pet with care and caution, and only when necessary, such as when cleaning, moving, or examining them. You should use soft and moist gloves or a cloth, to avoid damaging their skin or transferring any chemicals or substances. You should also be gentle and calm, and avoid squeezing, dropping, or stressing them.

How do you clean a red eyed tree frog tank?

You should clean your red eyed tree frog pet's tank regularly, to prevent the buildup of waste, mold, and bacteria. You should remove any uneaten food, dead insects, or feces, every day or as needed, and you should also change the water in the water dish, every day or as needed.

What do red eyed tree frogs eat?

Red eyed tree frogs eat live insects, such as crickets, roaches, and worms. They need a varied and nutritious diet, that will provide them with the protein, fat, and vitamins they need to grow and develop. They should be fed every other day, or as needed, depending on their size and appetite.

How do you breed red eyed tree frogs?

You can breed red eyed tree frogs by providing them with the right conditions and requirements, such as a separate breeding tank, a simulated rainy season, and a balanced male to female ratio. You can also observe their mating process, and care for their eggs, tadpoles, and froglets, until they reach their adult stage.

Guilherme Lopes

Hello, my name is Guilherme, and I am a writer passionate about animals. Especially for reptiles and amphibians. I've been writing for the internet for about 2 years and recently started producing content for the Dragon Lovers Hub blog.

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