Pacman Frog Diet: What Does Pacman Frog Eat

a pacman frog with eating a worm

If you are a pacman frog owner or enthusiast, you might be wondering what does pacman frog eat and how to provide a balanced and healthy diet for your pet.

I have a pacman frog as a pet, and I love it very much. It is a fascinating amphibian that has a voracious appetite and a unique appearance.

My pacman frog is not very active, and it spends most of its time hiding and sleeping. However, when it is hungry, it can open its huge mouth and swallow almost anything that I give it.

In this guide, I will share with you my experience and knowledge about the pacman frog diet and answer the question of what does pacman frog eat in the wild and in captivity.

I will also give you some tips and tricks on how to feed a pacman frog properly, how often should you feed your pacman frog, and what are the best food for pacman frog.

By the end of this, you will have a better understanding of the pacman frog feeding guide and the pacman frog facts that will help you take good care of your pet.

Table of Contents

What Do Pacman Frogs Eat in the Wild?

Pacman frogs are carnivorous, which means they eat meat and animal-based food. In the wild, pacman frogs eat a variety of prey items, such as insects, worms, fish, rodents, reptiles, and even other frogs.

Some of the common food that pacman frogs eat in the wild are:

  • Crickets
  • Nightcrawlers
  • Pinky mice
  • Guppies
  • Horned frogs

These frogs have some amazing adaptations that help them hunt and eat their prey. For example, they have a large mouth that can open wide and engulf their prey whole.

They also have a sticky tongue that can catch and pull their prey into their mouth. Pacman frogs have a camouflage pattern that helps them blend in with their surroundings and ambush their prey, and they also have powerful jaws and teeth that can crush and tear their prey.

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What Do Pacman Frogs Eat in Captivity?

a pacman frog trying to eat a golden fish

Pacman frogs can eat the same food that they eat in the wild, but they can also eat some other food that are available in captivity. Some of the food that pacman frogs eat in captivity are:

  • Live or frozen food: such as crickets, roaches, worms, mice, fish, and frogs.

  • Pellets: such as reptile or amphibian pellets that are specially formulated for pacman frogs.

  • Supplements: such as calcium and vitamin powder that are sprinkled on the food to prevent nutritional deficiencies.

Some of the best food for pacman frogs are:

  • Dubia roaches: which are high in protein, low in fat, and easy to digest.

  • Earthworms: which are rich in calcium, iron, and other minerals.

  • Locusts: which are large, nutritious, and crunchy.

  • Superworms: which are soft, juicy, and tasty.

Also, some of the food that pacman frogs should avoid are:

  • Fireflies: which are toxic and can kill pacman frogs.

  • Mealworms: which are hard to digest and can cause impaction.

  • Wild-caught insects: which can carry parasites, pesticides, or diseases.

How Often Should I Feed My Pacman Frog?

The frequency and amount of feeding my pacman frog depends on several factors, such as their age, size, and activity level.

Pacman frogs grow fast and need more food when they are young, but they slow down and need less food when they are older. They also vary in size and appetite, depending on their species and individual differences.

They are not very active and do not need a lot of exercise, but they do need some stimulation and variety in their diet.

Here is a pacman frog food chart that shows the general feeding frequency and portion size for different stages of pacman frog development:

Stage Frequency Portion
Hatchling Every day 1-2 small insects
Juvenile Every 2-3 days 2-4 medium insects or 1 small rodent
Adult Every 5-7 days 4-6 large insects or 1 medium rodent

You can adjust the feeding schedule and amount according to your pacman frog's needs and preferences, and can also offer some treats or snacks occasionally, such as fish, frogs, or fruits.

Some of the signs that indicate if your pacman frog is overfed or underfed are:

  • Obesity: which is when your pacman frog is too fat and has folds of skin around its body. Obesity can cause health problems, such as respiratory infections, liver disease, or heart failure.

  • Lethargy: which is when your pacman frog is too lazy and does not move or respond to stimuli. Lethargy can be a sign of illness, stress, or boredom.

  • Hunger: which is when your pacman frog is too thin and has a sunken belly. Hunger can cause malnutrition, weakness, or stunted growth.

How to Feed a Pacman Frog Properly?

a pacman frog being fed

Feeding a pacman frog properly is not difficult, but it does require some care and attention. Here are some tips and tricks on how to feed a pacman frog properly:

  • Use tongs, tweezers, or chopsticks to offer the food to your pacman frog: This will prevent your fingers from being bitten or mistaken for food. It will also allow you to control the amount and speed of feeding.

  • Offer a variety of food to your pacman frog: This will ensure that your pacman frog gets a balanced and complete diet. It will also prevent your pacman frog from getting bored or picky with its food.

  • Monitor the food intake of your pacman frog: This will help you adjust the feeding frequency and amount according to your pacman frog's needs and preferences. It will also help you avoid overfeeding or underfeeding your pacman frog.

  • Dust the food with calcium and vitamin supplements: This will prevent nutritional deficiencies, such as metabolic bone disease, which can cause deformities, fractures, or death. You can dust the food once or twice a week, depending on the type and quality of the food.

  • Gut-load the insects before feeding them to your pacman frog: This means feeding the insects with nutritious food, such as fruits, vegetables, or grains, before offering them to your pacman frog. This will enhance the nutritional value of the insects and make them more beneficial for your pacman frog.

  • Remove any uneaten food from the enclosure: This will prevent the food from rotting, attracting pests, or causing infections. You can also clean the enclosure regularly and provide fresh water for your pacman frog.

Some of the challenges and risks of feeding a pacman frog are:

  • Biting: which is when my pacman frog bites me or itself by accident.

  • Choking: which is when my pacman frog swallows something that is too big or too hard for its throat.

  • Impaction: which is when my pacman frog’s digestive system is blocked by something that is indigestible, such as hair, bones, or substrate.


In conclusion, pacman frogs are carnivorous amphibians that eat a variety of prey items, such as insects, worms, fish, rodents, and other frogs.

They can eat the same food that they eat in the wild, but they can also eat some other food that are available in captivity, such as pellets and supplements.

Also, they should be fed according to their age, size, and activity level, and they should be offered a variety of food to ensure a balanced and healthy diet.

I hope that this guide has answered your question of what does pacman frog eat and how to provide a pacman frog diet that is suitable for your pet. 

By following the pacman frog feeding guide and the pacman frog facts that we have provided, you will be able to take good care of your pacman frog and enjoy its company.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to leave them below. I would love to hear from you and learn from your experience. Thank you for reading and happy feeding!

Additional Resource

FAQS About Pacman Frog Diet

Some of the most frequently asked questions are:

What does a Pacman frog eat?

A Pacman frog eats meat and animal-based food, such as insects, worms, fish, rodents, and other frogs.

How much does a Pacman frog eat a day?

A Pacman frog eats depending on its age, size, and activity level. A hatchling eats 1-2 small insects every day, a juvenile eats 2-4 medium insects or 1 small rodent every 2-3 days, and an adult eats 4-6 large insects or 1 medium rodent every 5-7 days.

Do Pacman frogs eat fish?

Yes, Pacman frogs eat fish, such as guppies, minnows, or goldfish. Fish can be offered as a treat or a snack occasionally, but they should not be the main food for Pacman frogs.

Do Pacman frogs eat worms?

Yes, Pacman frogs eat worms, such as earthworms, nightcrawlers, or superworms. Worms are rich in calcium, iron, and other minerals, and they are easy to digest. Worms can be a staple food for Pacman frogs.

Guilherme Lopes

Hello, my name is Guilherme, and I am a writer passionate about animals. Especially for reptiles and amphibians. I've been writing for the internet for about 2 years and recently started producing content for the Dragon Lovers Hub blog.

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