How Often Do Crested Geckos Shed? Shedding Frequency Explained

Greetings, fellow reptile enthusiasts! Today, we're diving into the fascinating world of crested geckos and uncovering the mysteries of their shedding process. Have you ever wondered how often crested geckos shed their skin? Well, you've come to the right place! We'll explore the shedding frequency of these unique creatures, from adorable baby geckos to majestic adults.

A crested gecko shedding its skin in a forest habitat, with leaves and twigs surrounding it.

Key Takeaways:

  • Shedding is a natural and normal part of a crested gecko's life.
  • Adult crested geckos shed about every 4 to 8 weeks.
  • Baby crested geckos may shed more frequently, approximately once or twice per month.
  • Factors such as age, environmental conditions, nutrition, illness, and seasons influence shedding frequency.
  • Monitor your gecko's shedding process and provide proper care to ensure a healthy shed.

Table of Contents

Factors That Affect Shedding Frequency

Several factors can influence the shedding frequency of crested geckos. These factors include age, environmental conditions, nutrition, illness, and seasons.

  • Age: Younger geckos shed more frequently than older ones, as they are still growing and developing.
  • Environmental Conditions: The temperature and humidity levels in the gecko's habitat play a significant role in shedding frequency. Crested geckos require the right environmental conditions to shed properly. Inadequate humidity can prevent proper shedding and lead to health issues.
  • Nutrition: Proper nutrition is essential for supporting growth and shedding in crested geckos. A balanced diet that includes a variety of insects, fruits, and a formulated crested gecko diet is necessary for their overall health and successful shedding.
  • Illness: Illnesses and stress can affect shedding frequency. When geckos are sick or stressed, they may shed more often as a result of their compromised health.
  • Seasons: The changing seasons can also influence shedding frequency in crested geckos. They may shed less during colder months and more frequently in warmer months.

By understanding these factors and providing the right care, you can ensure your crested gecko has the best conditions for a healthy shedding process. Monitoring the temperature, humidity, and nutrition can greatly impact the shedding frequency and overall well-being of your gecko.

How Long Does Shedding Take and How to Tell When a Crested Gecko Is About to Shed

Factors Description
Shedding Time

Shedding in crested geckos usually takes around an hour, but it can take up to 24 hours in some cases. Crested geckos often shed and consume their skin at night, so it may happen unnoticed by their owners.

Signs of Shedding

There are several signs that indicate when a crested gecko is about to shed. These include:

  • Slightly different coloration, such as paler or darker skin
  • Dry or ashy appearance of the skin
  • Increased itching and rubbing against objects
  • Changes in behavior and appetite
Healthy Shed

A healthy shed in crested geckos should take a few hours, with the skin coming off in one piece or several large pieces. If the shed is incomplete or torn, it may indicate a problem. After shedding, the gecko's skin should appear bright and vibrant, and their behavior should return to normal.

A crested gecko with dull, cloudy eyes and a faded appearance, sitting on a branch near its shedding skin.


In summary, shedding is a natural and vital process for crested geckos. The shedding frequency of these fascinating reptiles depends on several factors, including their age, growth rate, environmental conditions, nutrition, illness, and seasons. Younger geckos tend to shed more frequently than their older counterparts, while changes in temperature and humidity levels can also affect the shedding frequency.

Ensuring the well-being of your crested gecko during shedding involves providing the right conditions and nutrition. Maintaining appropriate temperature and humidity levels in their habitat is essential for a successful shed. Regularly monitoring their behavior, appetite, and skin condition can help you recognize the signs of shedding and address any issues that may arise.

While shedding is generally a seamless process for crested geckos, incomplete sheds or retained eye caps can occur. In such cases, it is advisable to seek assistance from a reliable reptile veterinarian. By attending to your gecko's shedding needs, you contribute to their overall health and happiness.

Remember, shedding is a natural part of a crested gecko's life, and understanding the factors that influence shedding frequency empowers you to provide the best care possible. With the right conditions and attention, you can ensure a smooth shedding process for your beloved crested gecko.


How often do crested geckos shed their skin?

Crested geckos shed their skin approximately every 4 to 8 weeks as adults.

How often do baby crested geckos shed?

Baby crested geckos may shed more frequently, approximately once or twice per month.

How often do adult crested geckos shed?

Adult crested geckos shed their skin approximately every 4 to 8 weeks.

What factors affect shedding frequency in crested geckos?

Factors that affect shedding frequency include age, environmental conditions, nutrition, illness, and seasons.

How do environmental conditions affect shedding in crested geckos?

Temperature and humidity levels play a significant role in shedding frequency. Inadequate humidity can prevent proper shedding and lead to health issues.

How does nutrition affect shedding in crested geckos?

Proper nutrition is important for supporting growth and shedding in crested geckos. A balanced diet is essential for their overall health and shedding process.

How does illness affect shedding in crested geckos?

Illness and stress can influence shedding frequency, with sick geckos often shedding more frequently. It is important to monitor their health and seek veterinary assistance if any issues arise.

How do seasons affect shedding in crested geckos?

The changing seasons can influence shedding frequency, with geckos shedding less in colder months and more in warmer months.

How long does shedding take in crested geckos?

Shedding in crested geckos usually takes around an hour, but it can take up to 24 hours in some cases.

How can I tell when a crested gecko is about to shed?

Signs that a crested gecko is about to shed include a slightly different coloration (paler or darker skin), dry or ashy appearance of the skin, increased itching and rubbing against objects, and changes in behavior and appetite.

What is a healthy shed in crested geckos?

A healthy shed should take a few hours, with the skin coming off in one piece or several large pieces. If the shed is incomplete or torn, it may indicate a problem. After shedding, the gecko's skin should appear bright and vibrant, and their behavior should return to normal.

Can incomplete sheds or retained eye caps be a problem?

Yes, if a crested gecko experiences incomplete sheds or retains eye caps, it may indicate a problem and veterinary assistance should be sought.

What should I do if I encounter shedding issues with my crested gecko?

If any shedding issues arise, such as incomplete sheds or retained eye caps, it is recommended to seek assistance from a reptile veterinarian.

Guilherme Lopes

Hello, my name is Guilherme, and I am a writer passionate about animals. Especially for reptiles and amphibians. I've been writing for the internet for about 2 years and recently started producing content for the Dragon Lovers Hub blog.

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