Can Bearded Dragons Eat Strawberries? Safe Treat Tips

A bearded dragon perched on a tree branch, surrounded by fresh strawberries leaves.

Welcome to our guide on whether bearded dragons can eat strawberries. If you're a proud owner of a bearded dragon and you're wondering if strawberries can be included in their diet, you've come to the right place. We'll provide you with all the information you need to know to ensure the safety and well-being of your scaly friend.

So, let's address the burning question: Can bearded dragons eat strawberries? The answer is yes, but in moderation. Strawberries are considered one of the safer fruits for bearded dragons. They have high nutritional value and a relatively lower phosphorus to calcium ratio when compared to other fruits. However, it's important to give them as a treat once a week or less frequently, depending on the rest of the diet.

While strawberries are safe for occasional consumption, they should not be fed regularly due to their high phosphorus content. High levels of phosphorus can interfere with calcium absorption and potentially lead to metabolic bone disease in bearded dragons. Additionally, strawberries have high water content and lots of sugar, so overconsumption can cause dehydration, diarrhea, tooth decay, obesity, diabetes, and even heart failure.

But what about strawberry leaves? Well, the good news is that strawberry leaves are safe for bearded dragons. In fact, they can provide additional benefits such as antioxidants and improved digestion. So if you want to incorporate strawberries into your bearded dragon's diet, the leaves can be a healthier alternative.

Remember, bearded dragons have specific nutritional requirements that need to be met. Their natural diet in the wild consists of insects, vegetables, greens, and fruits. In captivity, their plant intake should consist of 80-90% leaves and flowers, with a maximum of 10% fruits. Calcium supplements are often necessary to ensure they receive adequate calcium.

When preparing strawberries for your bearded dragon, it's crucial to inspect them for ripeness and wash them thoroughly to remove any potential pesticides or herbicides. Chop the strawberries into small, bite-sized pieces for easy consumption. It's also advisable to mix the strawberries with other vegetables or greens to promote a balanced meal.

Key Takeaways:

  • Bearded dragons can eat strawberries in moderation as a treat.
  • Strawberries should not be fed regularly due to their high phosphorus content.
  • Strawberry leaves are safe and can provide added benefits for bearded dragons.
  • Bearded dragons require a balanced diet consisting primarily of vegetables, greens, and insect-based foods.
  • Monitor your bearded dragon's intake and consult a veterinarian for any concerns about their diet.

Table of Contents

The Natural Diet of Bearded Dragons and Nutritional Requirements

In the wild, bearded dragons have a diverse diet that includes insects, vegetables, greens, and fruits. As omnivores, they require a balanced intake of nutrients, with a higher calcium-to-phosphorus ratio. Let's take a closer look at their nutritional requirements and the role of fruits like strawberries and blueberries in their diet.

When kept in captivity, bearded dragons should primarily consume 80-90% leaves and flowers, with a maximum of 10% fruits in their plant intake. This ensures that they have a well-rounded diet that meets their nutritional needs. While fruits can provide essential vitamins and minerals, including strawberries and blueberries, they should not be relied upon as the main source of nutrition.

"A balanced diet for bearded dragons consists of 80% plant matter, with the remaining 20% coming from insects."

Young bearded dragons, in particular, require more insect-based food due to their rapid growth and development. As they mature and reach adulthood, their diet should transition to primarily consist of plant matter. This plant-based diet helps maintain their health and supports their overall well-being.

Calcium is a crucial component in a bearded dragon's diet, and supplements are often recommended to ensure they meet their high calcium requirements. This is especially important for captive bearded dragons, as their diet may not naturally provide enough calcium. By providing a balance of plant-based foods, insects, and calcium supplements, we can help prevent common health issues in bearded dragons, such as metabolic bone disease.

The Role of Strawberries and Blueberries

Now, let's discuss the inclusion of strawberries and blueberries in a bearded dragon's diet. While these fruits are safe for consumption, they should only be given occasionally as treats. Strawberries are rich in vitamins, fiber, and water content but they also have a higher phosphorus-to-calcium ratio and sugar content. Overfeeding strawberries can lead to various health problems, including dehydration, obesity, and metabolic bone disease.

Blueberries, on the other hand, are a lower-sugar option that can provide essential antioxidants and nutrients. However, they should still be fed sparingly, just like strawberries, due to their phosphorus content. Remember, variety is key when it comes to a bearded dragon's diet, so it's important to offer a wide range of food options to ensure a balance of nutrients.

When feeding strawberries and blueberries to your bearded dragon, it's best to chop them into small, bite-sized pieces for easy consumption. Mixing these fruits with other vegetables and greens can help provide a well-rounded meal. Additionally, always remove any uneaten fruits from their enclosure to prevent contamination or health issues.

Remember, while strawberries and blueberries can be included as occasional treats, they should not be the mainstay of a bearded dragon's diet. By prioritizing their plant-based intake, offering a variety of insects, and providing calcium supplements, we can ensure that our bearded dragons receive a nutritionally balanced diet.

How to Prepare and Feed Strawberries to Bearded Dragons

Feeding strawberries to your bearded dragon requires some preparation to ensure their safety and nutritional value. By following these steps, you can incorporate strawberries into your pet's diet effectively:

  1. Inspect and Wash: Before offering strawberries to your bearded dragon, it's important to inspect them for ripeness and quality. Choose strawberries that are free from any mold or damage. Thoroughly wash the strawberries to remove any potential pesticides or herbicides that may harm your pet.
  2. Chop into Bite-sized Pieces: To make it easier for your bearded dragon to consume, chop the strawberries into small, bite-sized pieces. This will help prevent choking or swallowing difficulties.
  3. Mix with Other Foods: To ensure a balanced meal, it's recommended to mix the strawberries with other vegetables or greens. This combination provides a variety of nutrients and avoids excessive sugar intake.
  4. Portion Control: Bearded dragons should be given strawberries in moderation. Offer small portions once or twice a week, depending on the size and age of your pet. It's essential not to exceed their capacity to eat in one sitting.
  5. Remove Uneaten Strawberries: If your bearded dragon doesn't finish all the strawberries in one meal, promptly remove the uneaten pieces from their enclosure. This helps maintain a clean and hygienic environment.
  6. Consider Age and Calcium Requirements: For baby bearded dragons, the introduction of strawberries can be delayed until they reach a year old. This is because young dragons have higher calcium requirements, and strawberries have a higher phosphorus to calcium ratio.

A bearded dragon surrounded by a pile of strawberries.

With these guidelines, you can confidently incorporate strawberries into your bearded dragon's diet while ensuring their health and well-being.


Bearded dragons can safely enjoy strawberries as an occasional treat, complementing their diet with nutritional benefits such as vitamins, fiber, and hydration. However, it's important to remember that strawberries should not be a primary component of their diet. Due to the higher phosphorus-to-calcium ratio and sugar content, overfeeding strawberries can lead to potential health issues like metabolic bone disease, dehydration, and obesity.

A balanced diet for bearded dragons should primarily consist of vegetables, greens, and insect-based foods, with fruits like strawberries being offered as occasional treats. It's crucial to monitor the bearded dragon's intake and ensure they are consuming a varied diet that meets their nutritional requirements. If you have any concerns about your bearded dragon's diet or overall health, it is always recommended to consult a veterinarian experienced in reptile care.

Remember, offering a diverse and balanced diet ensures the overall well-being of your bearded dragon and helps them thrive in captivity. So, while strawberries can be enjoyed, moderation is key to providing optimal health for your scaly friend.

Guilherme Lopes

Hello, my name is Guilherme, and I am a writer passionate about animals. Especially for reptiles and amphibians. I've been writing for the internet for about 2 years and recently started producing content for the Dragon Lovers Hub blog.

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