Can Axolotls Live With Fish? Safe Tank Mates Exploredan Axolotls Live With Fish?

an axolotl in a tank with fishes

As owners, we know that caring for axolotls requires creating a healthy and safe environment. But can axolotls live with fish? This is a common question that many people ask when they want to keep axolotls in their aquariums. The answer is not so simple, as it depends on several factors, such as the water temperature, the fish behavior, the fish size, and the tank size.

Axolotls are known for their docile nature, while fish have a wide range of temperaments. So before introducing fish into an axolotl tank, we need to consider their behavior and ensure that they won't harm or stress the axolotls, who may perceive fish as prey.

The water temperature and pH also play a significant role in determining if axolotls and fish can coexist successfully. The water temperature for axolotls should remain between 60-68°F, while some fish species require warmer water temperatures. Feeding habits are another key factor to consider — axolotls are carnivores and may eat smaller fish, so we need to choose suitable fish that axolotls won't view as prey.

Overall, determining if axolotls can live with fish requires careful consideration of multiple factors. In the next section, we will discuss the fish species known to be compatible with axolotls, highlighting their size, temperament, feeding habits, and tank requirements.

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Choosing the Right Tank Mates for Axolotls

an happy axolotl inside a fish aquarium

Now that we've established that axolotls can live with fish, it’s important to choose suitable tank mates. The key to success is to consider factors such as size, temperament, and temperature requirements.

After extensive research and consultation with experts, we've compiled a list of fish species that can coexist with axolotls:

Fish Species Size Temperament Water Condition
White Cloud Mountain Minnows 1-2 inches Peaceful Neutral pH, cool temperatures
Corydoras Catfish 1-2 inches Quiet Neutral pH, warm temperatures
Bristlenose Plecos 5-6 inches Peaceful Neutral pH, warmer temperatures
Small Loaches 2-3 inches Peaceful Neutral pH, warm temperatures
Apple Snails 3-4 inches Quiet Neutral pH, warm temperatures

It is important to note that while these fish species have proven compatibility with axolotls, it is always best to monitor their behavior closely, especially during the first few weeks of cohabitation. In case of any signs of aggression, separate them immediately.

Moreover, selecting fish that can complement the ecosystem of your aquarium can benefit their overall health. For instance, apple snails can help with cleaning the tank by eating leftover food and algae.

By following our guidelines and selecting appropriate fish, you can create a beautiful and thriving tank of multiple species.

Setting Up an Ideal Tank Environment

A fish aquarium

Creating a suitable habitat is essential for keeping axolotls and fish together in a shared tank. Here are our expert recommendations for setting up the tank environment:

Water Parameters

Axolotls prefer slightly cooler water, around 60-68°F (15-20°C), while some fish require warmer water. Therefore, it is essential to keep the water temperature between 64-72°F (18-22°C) to provide a comfortable environment for both species.

Additionally, axolotls produce a lot of waste, so it is critical to maintain water conditions by performing 25% water changes weekly and regularly testing the water for pH, ammonia, and nitrite levels.

Hiding Spots

Both axolotls and fish require hiding spots to feel safe and secure. You can use natural-looking decorations, such as rocks, logs, and plants, to create caves and tunnels.

However, be cautious when choosing decorations, as they may contain sharp edges, which can harm axolotls delicate skin.

Appropriate Decorations

The decorations in your tank must be safe for both axolotls and fish. Avoid any sharp or pointed objects, as they can damage the axolotls' skin.

Also, ensure that there is enough space for all species in the tank by not overcrowding the decorations. Fish require space to swim, while axolotls need lots of open areas to move freely and avoid getting tangled in plants.

Tank Maintenance and Monitoring

Regular maintenance and monitoring are essential in ensuring the health and well-being of all the tank inhabitants. Test the water weekly and perform regular water changes to keep water conditions optimal.

If you spot any health issues or behavioral changes among the axolotls or fish, it is crucial to separate them immediately and seek veterinary attention if necessary.

By following these guidelines and ensuring that the habitat provides a comfortable environment for both species, axolotl and fish can coexist harmoniously in the same tank.


In conclusion, we have learned that while axolotls and fish can live together, it is crucial to choose compatible fish species and create an appropriate tank environment. Not all fish are suitable tank mates for axolotls, so it is important to research and select appropriate species carefully.

To ensure the well-being of all tank inhabitants, axolotl owners must pay close attention to the size, temperament, and water temperature of potential fish tank mates. It is also important to set up an optimal tank environment with adequate hiding spots, decorations, and regular maintenance.

By carefully considering the factors discussed in this guide, axolotl owners can create a harmonious coexistence between these fascinating creatures. Remember, when it comes to keeping axolotls and fish together, compatibility is key.

Thank you for reading, and we hope this guide has been helpful in answering your questions about can axolotls live with fish and what fish can live with axolotls.

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Can axolotls live with fish?

Yes, axolotls can live with certain fish species. However, it is crucial to select compatible fish that meet specific criteria to ensure a harmonious coexistence.

What kind of fish can axolotls live with?

Axolotls can live with peaceful and slow-moving fish species that are similar in size and can tolerate the same water conditions. Some suitable options include small tetras, guppies, and white cloud mountain minnows.

What other fish can live with axolotls?

Besides the aforementioned fish species, other potential tank mates for axolotls include bristlenose plecos, ghost shrimp, and dojo loaches. These fish generally have peaceful temperaments and can thrive alongside axolotls.

Can axolotls coexist with aggressive fish?

No, axolotls should not be housed with aggressive or fin-nipping fish species. Aggressive fish can harm the delicate external gills of axolotls or stress them out, leading to health issues.

How should I set up the tank environment for axolotls and fish?

It is crucial to create a suitable habitat for both axolotls and fish. Ensure the tank has ample hiding spots, plants, and decorations to provide shelter and break lines of sight. Additionally, maintain stable water parameters, such as temperature and pH, that are suitable for both species.

What precautions should I take when introducing fish to an axolotl tank?

When introducing fish to an axolotl tank, it is advisable to monitor their behavior closely. Remove any fish that display aggression or persistent fin-nipping towards the axolotls. Additionally, quarantine new fish before introducing them to the tank to avoid potential diseases or parasites.

Can axolotl live with betta?

No, axolotls and bettas are not compatible. Betta fish need warmer water than axolotls, and they are also aggressive and nippy, which can stress or injure the axolotl.

Guilherme Lopes

Hello, my name is Guilherme, and I am a writer passionate about animals. Especially for reptiles and amphibians. I've been writing for the internet for about 2 years and recently started producing content for the Dragon Lovers Hub blog.

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