Are Red Eyed Crocodile Skinks Good Pets? Pros & Cons

Are red eyed crocodile skinks good pets? This is a question many reptile enthusiasts ask when considering these unique creatures as potential additions to their homes. Red-eyed crocodile skinks, with their adorable appearance and striking red scales, have become popular among exotic pet owners. However, before bringing one into your life, it's important to understand the pros and cons of owning these fascinating reptiles.

When it comes to friendliness, red eyed crocodile skinks are not known for their affection towards humans. They tend to become stressed when handled or touched, and may freeze or play dead if frightened. This makes them less interactive compared to other reptile pets. However, their unique appearance and intriguing behaviors can still provide enjoyment for reptile enthusiasts who appreciate them for what they are.

In terms of care difficulty, red eyed crocodile skinks fall into the intermediate level. While they require specific care needs, they are not overly difficult to care for if you have prior experience with reptiles. Creating a suitable habitat with proper temperature and humidity levels, providing a well-balanced insect diet, and keeping an eye out for potential health concerns are essential for their well-being.

One must also consider the limitation of holding a red eyed crocodile skink. Due to their tendency to become stressed, it is generally recommended to limit interaction with these skinks. While observing and studying their behaviors can be enjoyable, building a bond with them may not be possible. Therefore, they are better suited as display animals rather than pets that require hands-on interaction.

A close-up of a red eyed crocodile skink on a branch, with its scales and vivid colors in focus. The skink is surrounded by lush green leaves and the background is blurred, giving the impression of a jungle habitat.

Key Takeaways

  • Red eyed crocodile skinks are unique and visually striking reptiles.
  • They are not known for being affectionate or easily handled.
  • Caring for red eyed crocodile skinks requires specific attention to their habitat, diet, and health concerns.
  • Interaction with these skinks should be limited to minimize stress.
  • They can be enjoyable as display animals for reptile enthusiasts.

Table of Contents

Red-Eyed Crocodile Skink Species Overview

The red-eyed crocodile skink, scientifically known as Tribolonotus gracilis, is a small lizard species native to New Guinea and the Admiralty Islands. These unique reptiles thrive in tropical rainforests and possess striking features that set them apart from other skinks.

The red-eyed crocodile skink is named for its vibrant red scales surrounding its eyes, which contrast with the rest of its grayish-brown body. Additionally, its back is adorned with rough, scale imitations resembling those of a crocodile, further adding to its distinctive appearance.

These skinks have an average lifespan of over a decade when properly cared for in captivity. Adult red-eyed crocodile skinks typically measure between 7 to 9 inches in length, making them compact and manageable pets.

Key Characteristics:

  • Distinctive red scales around the eyes
  • Crocodile-like scales on the back
  • Grayish-brown body coloration
  • Compact size, reaching 7 to 9 inches in length

Though these reptiles may not possess the natural inclination for human interaction that some pet owners desire, they can still serve as fascinating additions to a reptile enthusiast's collection. Their unique appearance and intriguing behaviors make them an appealing choice for those seeking exotic pets.

Red-Eyed Crocodile Skink Care Guide

Proper care for red-eyed crocodile skinks is essential to ensure their well-being as exotic pets. These reptiles have specific habitat requirements, dietary needs, and health concerns that must be addressed to maintain their optimal health. In this section, we will dive deeper into the care guidelines for red-eyed crocodile skinks.


Creating a suitable habitat is crucial for the well-being of red-eyed crocodile skinks. These reptiles require a minimum tank size of 15 gallons to ensure they have enough space to move and explore. The tank should have a well-ventilated mesh lid to allow for proper airflow and prevent escape.

The temperature inside the tank should be maintained between 72 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit (22-28 degrees Celsius). This can be achieved using a combination of heating devices such as heat mats or ceramic heat emitters. A temperature gradient can be established by placing the heat source at one end of the tank, providing the skinks with a warm side and a cooler side.

The humidity level in the tank should be kept between 70% and 90%. This can be achieved by misting the tank with water daily and providing a moist hide area using moss or damp substrate. Monitoring the humidity levels with a hygrometer is essential to prevent dehydration and shedding issues.


The diet of red-eyed crocodile skinks consists primarily of live insects. They are insectivores and require a varied diet to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients. Suitable food options include crickets, mealworms, roaches, and small waxworms.

It is important to provide gut-loaded insects, meaning the insects have been fed a nutritious diet before being offered to the skinks. Additionally, dusting the insects with calcium powder and a multivitamin supplement before feeding helps meet their nutritional needs.

Health Concerns

While red-eyed crocodile skinks are generally hardy reptiles, they are still susceptible to certain health concerns. Being aware of these issues can help prevent and address them effectively.

  1. Gastrointestinal disease: Improper diet, poor husbandry conditions, and stress can contribute to gastrointestinal issues in red-eyed crocodile skinks. Symptoms include diarrhea, loss of appetite, and weight loss. Providing a balanced diet and maintaining optimal husbandry conditions can help prevent these issues.
  2. Metabolic bone disease (MBD): Insufficient calcium and vitamin D3 levels in the skinks' diet can lead to MBD, a condition that affects the reptiles' bone health. Signs of MBD include weakness, tremors, and deformities. Ensuring a proper diet supplemented with calcium and UVB lighting can help prevent MBD.
  3. Respiratory tract disease: Incorrect temperature and humidity levels, as well as poor ventilation, can contribute to respiratory tract infections in red-eyed crocodile skinks. Symptoms include wheezing, labored breathing, and nasal discharge. Maintaining proper temperature, humidity, and ventilation in the skinks' habitat is crucial to prevent respiratory issues.

Regular veterinary check-ups and close observation of the skinks' behavior and overall well-being are essential to catch any health concerns early and provide prompt treatment.

Create an image of a red-eyed crocodile skink basking under a warm light with its scales glistening in the foreground, while in the background there is a lush tropical habitat with palm fronds and vines.

Handling and Bonding with Red-Eyed Crocodile Skinks

When it comes to red-eyed crocodile skinks, it's important to understand that they are not known for being friendly or easily handled. These unique reptiles typically become stressed when touched or handled by humans. In fact, they may even freeze or play dead if they feel frightened or threatened. To minimize stress and ensure their well-being, it is generally recommended to limit direct interaction with these skinks.

However, despite their limited handling potential, observing and studying their behaviors can still be a fascinating experience for reptile enthusiasts. By providing a comfortable and enriched environment, you can create a conducive space for these skinks to thrive.

While bonding with red-eyed crocodile skinks may not be possible due to their natural tendencies, there are other ways to form a connection with these exotic pets. Spending time near their enclosure and engaging in passive activities, such as watching them explore their habitat, can help you appreciate their unique characteristics and develop a sense of admiration for these fascinating creatures.

Remember, these skinks have specific care needs and preferences, and it's essential to prioritize their well-being over our desire for direct interaction. By respecting their natural behavior and providing a stress-free environment, we can ensure that red-eyed crocodile skinks lead happy and healthy lives.

Benefits of Observing Red-Eyed Crocodile Skinks:

  • Opportunity to learn about their unique behaviors and natural instincts
  • Appreciation for their striking visual appearance
  • Understanding of their specific care requirements and environmental needs
  • Enhancement of reptile knowledge and passion

With their red scales around the eyes and crocodile-like back scales, red-eyed crocodile skinks are undoubtedly captivating creatures. While they may not be suitable for those seeking interactive or social pets, they can still provide a sense of wonder and fascination as exotic display animals.

A close-up view of a red-eyed crocodile skink perched on a branch, its vibrant orange and brown scales reflecting light as it gazes up at the viewer. The skink's eyes are a striking red color, and its powerful legs and tail suggest a strong and agile creature. Surrounding the skink are lush green leaves and a hint of water in the background, indicating its natural habitat.

Handling and Bonding Tips Benefits of Observing
Avoid excessive handling to minimize stress Opportunity to learn about unique behaviors
Create a comfortable and enriched environment Appreciation for striking visual appearance
Observe and study their behaviors Understanding of specific care requirements
Respect their natural behavior Enhancement of reptile knowledge and passion


In conclusion, red-eyed crocodile skinks can be fascinating pets for reptile enthusiasts who appreciate their unique appearance and are willing to meet their specific care needs. While they may not be the most interactive or social pets, these exotic reptiles can still provide enjoyment as display animals.

The striking red eye scales and crocodile-like back scales make red-eyed crocodile skinks visually appealing additions to any reptile collection. However, it is crucial to understand their care requirements to ensure their well-being. Proper habitat setup, including temperature and humidity control, along with a balanced diet of live insects, is essential for their health.

Furthermore, it is important to be aware of potential health concerns such as gastrointestinal disease, metabolic bone disease, and respiratory tract disease. Regular monitoring and prompt veterinary care can help prevent or address these issues.

Overall, with adequate knowledge and commitment to reptile care, red-eyed crocodile skinks can bring a touch of exotic beauty to any household or reptile enthusiast's collection.


Are red-eyed crocodile skinks good pets?

Red-eyed crocodile skinks can make good pets for those who appreciate their unique appearance and are willing to meet their specific care needs. However, they are not known for being friendly or easily handled.

Are red-eyed crocodile skinks friendly?

Red-eyed crocodile skinks are not considered friendly as they tend to become stressed when touched or handled by humans. They may freeze or play dead if frightened.

How difficult are red-eyed crocodile skinks to care for?

Red-eyed crocodile skinks are considered intermediate-level skinks in terms of care difficulty. They have specific habitat, diet, and health requirements that need to be met in order to ensure their well-being.

Are red-eyed crocodile skinks easy to care for?

Red-eyed crocodile skinks require specific care to thrive, including providing a suitable habitat, maintaining temperature and humidity levels, and offering a balanced diet of insects. While they may not be as high maintenance as some other reptiles, they still require dedication and attention.

Can you hold a red-eyed crocodile skink?

Although red-eyed crocodile skinks can be handled, it is generally recommended to limit interaction with them to minimize stress. They are not known for enjoying human touch and can become stressed when handled.

What are red-eyed crocodile skinks?

Red-eyed crocodile skinks, scientifically known as Tribolonotus gracilis, are small lizard species native to New Guinea and the Admiralty Islands. They have red scales around their eyes and crocodile-like scales on their back, making them visually striking.

What are the care requirements for red-eyed crocodile skinks?

Red-eyed crocodile skinks require a suitable habitat with a minimum tank size of 15 gallons, a well-ventilated mesh lid for airflow, and a maintained humidity level between 70% and 90%. The temperature should range from 72 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit. They should be fed a balanced diet of live insects and provided with calcium and vitamin supplements.

What are some common health concerns for red-eyed crocodile skinks?

Common health concerns for red-eyed crocodile skinks include gastrointestinal disease, metabolic bone disease, and respiratory tract disease. Regular veterinary check-ups and proper care can help prevent and address these issues.

Can you bond with a red-eyed crocodile skink?

Building a bond with red-eyed crocodile skinks may not be possible due to their natural tendencies. They are not known for being interactive or social with humans. However, observing and studying their behaviors can still be enjoyable for reptile enthusiasts.

Are red-eyed crocodile skinks easy to find as pets?

Red-eyed crocodile skinks are considered exotic pets and may not be as readily available as more common reptile species. It is important to research reputable breeders or reptile specialty stores when looking to acquire one as a pet.

Guilherme Lopes

Hello, my name is Guilherme, and I am a writer passionate about animals. Especially for reptiles and amphibians. I've been writing for the internet for about 2 years and recently started producing content for the Dragon Lovers Hub blog.

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