Crested Gecko - Everything You Need to Know About These Caledonian Reptiles

a crested gecko on top of a table

Crested geckos are among the most popular pet lizards in the world. They are easy to care for, come in a variety of colors and patterns, and have unique personalities.

But how much do you really know about these fascinating creatures? In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about crested geckos, from their appearance and behavior to their diet and habitat.

Table of Contents

What are crested geckos?

a crested gecko on top of a leaf

Crested geckos are a species of gecko that belong to the family Diplodactylidae. They are also known as eyelash geckos, because of the hair-like projections above their eyes that resemble eyelashes.

These projections continue as two rows of spines that run from the eyes to the sides of their head and body and end at the base of their tail.

Crested geckos have prehensile tails, which means they can use them to grasp objects and balance themselves. They also have sticky toe pads that allow them to climb on almost any surface.

Where are crested geckos from?

Crested geckos are native to New Caledonia, an island country in the South Pacific Ocean, east of Australia.

They live in the humid forests of the southern part of the main island, Grande Terre, and the nearby Isle of Pines and some smaller islands.

Crested geckos were first described by French zoologist Alphonse Guichenot in 1866, but they were thought to be extinct until they were rediscovered in 1994 by a team of scientists led by Robert Seipp. Since then, they have become very popular in the pet trade, and are bred in captivity all over the world.

 How long do crested geckos live?

Crested geckos can live for 10 to 20 years in captivity, depending on their diet, health, and care. In the wild, their lifespan is probably shorter, due to predators, diseases, and natural disasters.

Crested geckos are considered vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), because of habitat loss, invasive species, and over-collection for the pet trade.

Therefore, it is important to buy crested geckos from reputable breeders who do not take them from the wild, and to provide them with the best possible care.

Crested Gecko Appearance - What do crested geckos look like?

a crested gecko on top of a branche

Crested geckos are medium-sized lizards, measuring about 7 to 9 inches in length, including their tails. They weigh between 35 to 45 grams when fully grown.

Their bodies are covered with small granular scales, and their skin is soft and velvety. Their heads are wedge-shaped, and their eyes are large and round, with vertical pupils.

They have no eyelids, so they use their tongues to clean their eyes. Their mouths are wide, and they have small teeth that are used to crush their food.

Their tails are long and thin and can be dropped as a defense mechanism. Unlike other geckos, crested geckos do not regrow their tails once they lose them.

What are the different crested gecko morphs?

Crested geckos come in a wide range of colors and patterns, called morphs. Some of the most common morphs are:

  • Flame: A solid base color with a contrasting dorsal stripe that runs from the head to the tail. The stripe can be red, orange, yellow, or white.
  • Harlequin: A flame morph with additional patches of color on the sides of the body and legs. The patches can be red, orange, yellow, or white.
  • Dalmatian: A morph with black or red spots all over the body and tail. The spots can vary in size and number.
  • Pinstripe: A morph with raised scales along the dorsal stripe that create a pinstripe effect. The pinstripes can be red, orange, yellow, or white.
  • Patternless: A morph with no markings or patterns on the body and tail. The base color can be any shade of brown, gray, or green.
  • Bicolor: A morph with two distinct colors on the body and tail. The colors can be any combination of brown, gray, green, red, orange, yellow, or white.

There are also many other morphs, such as brindle, tiger, phantom, tricolor, and extreme harlequin, that are created by mixing and matching the traits of the basic morphs. Crested geckos can also have different eye colors, such as brown, green, blue, red, or black.

Crested Gecko Behavior - Are crested geckos nocturnal?

a crested gecko in a burrow at night

Crested geckos are nocturnal, which means they are active at night and sleep during the day. They spend most of their time in the trees, hiding in the foliage or under the bark.

They are very agile and can jump from branch to branch with ease. They are also very curious and will explore their surroundings when they feel safe.

How do crested geckos communicate?

Crested geckos communicate with each other and with their owners through various sounds and body language. Some of the sounds they make are:

  • Barking: A loud and short sound that is used to warn off intruders or to attract mates. It can also indicate excitement, stress, or annoyance.
  • Chirping: A soft and high-pitched sound that is used to express happiness, contentment, or affection. It can also be a sign of hunger or thirst.
  • Growling: A low and long sound that is used to show aggression or dominance. It can also indicate fear or pain.
  • Clicking: A quiet and rapid sound that is used to locate each other or to navigate in the dark. It can also be a sign of curiosity or interest.

Some of the body language they use are:

  • Licking: A behavior that is used to clean their eyes, to taste their environment, or to show interest or affection.
  • Head bobbing: A behavior that is used to display dominance or submission, to court potential mates, or to show excitement or agitation.
  • Tail wagging: A behavior that is used to signal readiness to mate, to warn off rivals, or to show nervousness or irritation.
  • Firing up: A behavior that is used to change their color intensity, depending on their mood, temperature, or lighting. They can fire up to become brighter and more vibrant, or fire down to become duller and more camouflaged.

Are crested geckos social animals?

Crested geckos are not very social animals, and they prefer to live alone or in small groups. They can tolerate the presence of other crested geckos, as long as they have enough space and resources.

However, they can also become territorial and aggressive, especially during the breeding season. Male crested geckos should never be housed together, as they will fight for dominance and injure each other.

Female crested geckos can be housed together, but they should be monitored for signs of stress or bullying.

A male and a female crested gecko can be housed together, but only if you are prepared to breed them and care for their offspring.

Crested Gecko Diet - What do crested geckos eat?

Crested geckos are omnivorous, which means they eat both plant and animal matter. In the wild, they feed on fruits, nectar, pollen, insects, and small vertebrates. In captivity, they can be fed a variety of foods, such as:

  • Commercial crested gecko diet: A specially formulated powder that contains all the nutrients and vitamins that crested geckos need. It can be mixed with water to create a paste or offered dry. It comes in different flavors, such as banana, mango, peach, or apricot.
  • Fresh fruits: A supplement that can be offered once or twice a week, to provide extra moisture and variety. They can be mashed or pureed, or cut into small pieces. Some of the fruits that crested geckos like are banana, mango, papaya, peach, apple, pear, kiwi, or berries.
  • Live insects: A treat that can be offered once or twice a week, to provide extra protein and stimulation. They should be gut-loaded, which means fed with nutritious food and dusted with calcium and vitamin powder, before being offered to the gecko. Some of the insects that crested geckos like are crickets, roaches, mealworms, waxworms, or silkworms.

How often do crested geckos need to eat?

Crested geckos need to eat every day or every other day, depending on their age, size, and activity level. Juvenile crested geckos need to eat more often than adult crested geckos, to support their growth and development.

Adult crested geckos can eat less often, but they should not be starved or overfed, as this can lead to health problems. A general rule of thumb is to feed your crested gecko as much as it can eat in 15 to 20 minutes, and remove any uneaten food after that.

What is the best crested gecko diet?

The best crested gecko diet is one that is balanced, varied, and appropriate for their needs. A good diet should consist of:

  • 80% commercial crested gecko diet: A specially formulated powder that contains all the nutrients and vitamins that crested geckos need. It can be mixed with water to create a paste, or offered dry. It comes in different flavors, such as banana, mango, peach, or apricot.
  • 10% fresh fruits: A supplement that can be offered once or twice a week, to provide extra moisture and variety. They can be mashed or pureed, or cut into small pieces. Some of the fruits that crested geckos like are banana, mango, papaya, peach, apple, pear, kiwi, or berries.
  • 10% live insects: A treat that can be offered once or twice a week, to provide extra protein and stimulation. They should be gut-loaded, which means fed with nutritious food, and dusted with calcium and vitamin powder, before being offered to the gecko. Some of the insects that crested geckos like are crickets, roaches, mealworms, waxworms, or silkworms.

Crested Gecko Habitat - What size enclosure do crested geckos need?

a crested gecko inside a vivarium

Crested geckos need a spacious and secure enclosure that mimics their natural habitat. The enclosure should be taller than it is wide, as crested geckos are arboreal and like to climb.

The minimum size for a single adult crested gecko is 18 x 18 x 24 inches, but bigger is always better. If you want to house more than one crested gecko, you will need a larger enclosure, and make sure to provide enough hiding spots and branches for each gecko.

What is the best substrate for crested geckos?

The substrate is the material that covers the bottom of the enclosure. It should be safe, clean, and absorbent. Some of the best substrates for crested geckos are:

  • Coconut fiber: A natural and eco-friendly substrate that retains moisture and prevents mold. It can be mixed with sphagnum moss or orchid bark to create a more naturalistic look.
  • Paper towels: A cheap and easy substrate that can be changed frequently. It is ideal for quarantine, breeding, or sick geckos, as it allows you to monitor their health and feces.
  • Reptile carpet: A synthetic and reusable substrate that can be washed and dried. It is soft and comfortable for the geckos, and prevents them from ingesting loose particles.

You should avoid substrates that are dusty, sharp, or toxic, such as sand, gravel, wood shavings, or walnut shells, as they can cause impaction, infection, or irritation.

What temperature and humidity do crested geckos need?

Crested geckos need a moderate and stable temperature and humidity level in their enclosure. The ideal temperature range for crested geckos is 72 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit during the day, and 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit at night.

You can use a digital thermometer to measure the temperature, and adjust it with a heat lamp, a heat mat, or a ceramic heat emitter, if needed. You should avoid using heat rocks, as they can burn the geckos.

The ideal humidity level for crested geckos is 50 to 70 percent during the day, and 80 to 100 percent at night. You can use a hygrometer to measure the humidity, and maintain it with a mister, a humidifier, or a fogger, if needed.

You should also provide a water dish and a moist hide for the geckos to drink and shed. You should mist the enclosure at least once or twice a day, and let it dry out between mistings, to prevent mold and bacteria growth.

Crested Gecko Health - What are the common health problems of crested geckos?

Crested geckos are generally hardy and healthy animals, but they can still suffer from some health problems, such as:

  • Metabolic bone disease (MBD): A condition that results from a lack of calcium, vitamin D3, or proper lighting. It causes the bones to become weak and deformed, and can lead to fractures, paralysis, or death. To prevent MBD, you should provide your crested gecko with a balanced diet, a calcium and vitamin supplement, and a UVB light source.
  • Impaction: A condition that results from swallowing indigestible objects, such as substrate, food, or feces. It causes the digestive tract to become blocked, and can lead to constipation, vomiting, weight loss, or death. To prevent impaction, you should provide your crested gecko with a safe substrate, a clean enclosure, and fresh water.
  • Infection: A condition that results from bacteria, fungi, parasites, or viruses. It can affect various parts of the body, such as the eyes, mouth, skin, or respiratory system. It can cause symptoms such as swelling, discharge, bleeding, or breathing difficulties. To prevent infection, you should provide your crested gecko with a hygienic enclosure, a healthy diet, and a quarantine period for new or sick geckos.

How to keep your crested gecko healthy

To keep your crested gecko healthy, you should follow these tips:

  • Check your crested gecko regularly: You should examine your crested gecko at least once a week, and look for any signs of illness or injury, such as abnormal behavior, appetite, weight, or appearance. If you notice anything wrong, you should consult a reptile veterinarian as soon as possible.
  • Clean your crested gecko's enclosure regularly: You should spot-clean your crested gecko's enclosure every day, and remove any feces, food, or debris. You should also deep-clean your crested gecko's enclosure every month, and disinfect it with a reptile-safe cleaner. You should also replace the substrate, water, and decorations as needed.
  • Handle your crested gecko gently: You should handle your crested gecko with care, and avoid grabbing, squeezing, or dropping it. You should also wash your hands before and after handling your crested gecko, and avoid touching its eyes, mouth, or tail. You should also limit the handling time to 10 to 15 minutes, and avoid handling your crested gecko when it is shedding, sleeping, or stressed.

What to do if your crested gecko is sick

If your crested gecko is sick, you should do the following:

  • Isolate your crested gecko: You should separate your crested gecko from any other geckos or animals, and place it in a quarantine enclosure. You should also use disposable gloves, utensils, and paper towels, and avoid cross-contamination.
  • Identify the problem: You should try to determine the cause and severity of the problem, and look for any symptoms or clues. You should also record the date, time, and details of the problem, and take photos or videos if possible.
  • Contact a reptile veterinarian: You should seek professional help from a reptile veterinarian, and provide them with the information and evidence you have collected. You should also follow their instructions and recommendations, and administer any medication or treatment they prescribe.

Crested Gecko Breeding - How to breed crested geckos

a crested gecko couple

Breeding crested geckos can be a rewarding and fun experience, but it also requires a lot of responsibility and preparation. If you want to breed crested geckos, you should follow these steps:

  • Select a pair of healthy and mature crested geckos: You should choose a male and a female crested gecko that are at least 18 months old, and weigh at least 35 grams. You should also make sure they are compatible, and have no genetic defects or health issues.
  • Prepare a breeding enclosure: You should provide a spacious and secure enclosure for the breeding pair, and equip it with a nesting box, a moist substrate, a water dish, and a hiding spot. You should also maintain a temperature of 75 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit, and a humidity of 70 to 80 percent.
  • Introduce the breeding pair: You should introduce the male and the female crested gecko in the evening, and observe their behavior. If they show signs of interest, such as head bobbing, tail wagging, or licking, you can leave them together overnight. If they show signs of aggression, such as biting, scratching, or barking, you should separate them immediately. You should repeat this process until they mate, which can take from a few days to a few weeks.
  • Collect and incubate the eggs: You should check the nesting box every day, and look for any eggs that the female crested gecko may have laid. You should carefully remove the eggs, and place them in a plastic container with a moist vermiculite or perlite substrate. You should also label the container with the date, and poke some holes in the lid for ventilation. You should then incubate the eggs in a dark and stable place, and maintain a temperature of 72 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit, and a humidity of 80 to 100 percent. You should also check the eggs every week, and look for any signs of development, mold, or collapse. The eggs should hatch in 60 to 120 days, depending on the temperature.

How to care for crested gecko eggs and hatchlings

Caring for crested gecko eggs and hatchlings is a delicate and demanding task, but it can also be very rewarding. If you want to care for crested gecko eggs and hatchlings, you should follow these tips:

  • Do not disturb the eggs: You should avoid touching, moving, or rotating the eggs, as this can damage the embryo or the air sac inside the egg. You should also keep the eggs in a consistent temperature and humidity, and avoid exposing them to light or vibration.
  • Provide a hatchling enclosure: You should prepare a separate enclosure for the hatchlings, and equip it with a paper towel substrate, a water dish, a hiding spot, and some fake plants. You should also maintain a temperature of 72 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit, and a humidity of 50 to 70 percent. You should house the hatchlings individually, or in small groups of the same size and sex, to prevent cannibalism or bullying.
  • Feed the hatchlings: You should offer the hatchlings a commercial crested gecko diet, mixed with water to create a thin paste, or offered dry. You should also offer them live insects, such as pinhead crickets, fruit flies, or springtails, once or twice a week. You should feed the hatchlings every day or every other day, and remove any uneaten food after 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Handle the hatchlings with care: You should avoid handling the hatchlings for the first few weeks, as they are very fragile and skittish. You should only handle them when necessary, such as for cleaning, weighing, or sexing. You should also handle them gently, and avoid grabbing, squeezing, or dropping them. You should also wash your hands before and after handling them, and avoid touching their eyes, mouth, or tail.

When to sell your crested gecko babies

Selling your crested gecko babies can be a rewarding and profitable venture, but it also requires a lot of responsibility and preparation. If you want to sell your crested gecko babies, you should follow these tips:

  • Wait until they are ready: You should wait until the hatchlings are at least 8 weeks old, and weigh at least 4 grams, before selling them. This will ensure that they are healthy, stable, and well-established. You should also make sure that they are eating well, shedding properly, and free of any parasites or diseases.
  • Find a reputable buyer: You should find a buyer who is knowledgeable, experienced, and passionate about crested geckos. You should also check their references, reviews, and feedback, and ask them questions about their crested gecko care and setup. You should avoid selling your crested gecko babies to pet stores, impulse buyers, or low-ballers, as they may not provide them with the best possible care.
  • Prepare a shipping package: You should prepare a safe and secure shipping package for your crested gecko babies, and follow the regulations and guidelines of the shipping company. You should use a sturdy and insulated box, and fill it with packing materials, such as newspaper, bubble wrap, or styrofoam. You should also use a deli cup or a plastic bag, and poke some holes in it for ventilation. You should also include a heat pack or a cold pack, depending on the weather, and tape it to the side of the box. You should also label the box with the words "Live Animal", "Fragile", and "This Side Up", and include your contact information and the buyer's contact information.

Crested Gecko Care - How to handle your crested gecko

Handling your crested gecko can be a fun and bonding experience, but it also requires some patience and caution. If you want to handle your crested gecko, you should follow these tips:

  • Let your crested gecko get used to you: You should let your crested gecko acclimate to its new enclosure for at least a week, before attempting to handle it. You should also interact with your crested gecko regularly, by talking to it, feeding it, or misting it, to build trust and familiarity.
  • Choose the right time and place: You should choose a time when your crested gecko is awake and active, such as in the evening or at night. You should also choose a place that is quiet and comfortable, such as your couch, your bed, or your lap. You should avoid handling your crested gecko when it is shedding, sleeping, or stressed.
  • Use gentle and slow movements: You should use gentle and slow movements when approaching and picking up your crested gecko. You should avoid grabbing, squeezing, or pulling your crested gecko, as this can cause injury or stress. You should also support your crested gecko's body and tail, and never lift it by its tail. You should also let your crested gecko walk or jump from one hand to another, and avoid restraining or chasing it.
  • Limit the handling time and frequency: You should limit the handling time to 10 to 15 minutes, and the frequency to once or twice a week, to prevent over-stressing your crested gecko. You should also watch for any signs of discomfort or agitation, such as barking, biting, or dropping the tail, and put your crested gecko back in its enclosure if it shows any of these signs.

How to clean your crested gecko's enclosure

Cleaning your crested gecko's enclosure is an essential part of crested gecko care, as it helps to prevent diseases, odors, and pests. If you want to clean your crested gecko's enclosure, you should follow these steps:

  • Spot-clean daily: You should spot-clean your crested gecko's enclosure every day, and remove any feces, food, or debris. You should also change the water dish every day, and rinse it with hot water.
  • Deep-clean monthly: You should deep-clean your crested gecko's enclosure every month, and disinfect it with a reptile-safe cleaner. You should also replace the substrate, water, and decorations as needed. You should also wash your hands before and after cleaning the enclosure, and use disposable gloves, utensils, and paper towels.
  • Disinfect quarterly: You should disinfect your crested gecko's enclosure every three months, and sterilize it with a bleach solution. You should also soak the substrate, water, and decorations in the bleach solution for 10 minutes, and rinse them thoroughly with water. You should also let the enclosure and its contents air-dry completely, before putting them back together.

How to groom your crested gecko

Grooming your crested gecko is not a difficult or necessary task, as crested geckos are very clean and self-sufficient animals. However, you can still do some things to help your crested gecko look and feel its best, such as:

  • Mist your crested gecko: You should mist your crested gecko at least once or twice a day, to provide it with moisture and hydration. You should also mist your crested gecko when it is shedding, to help it remove the old skin. You should use clean and dechlorinated water, and a spray bottle or a mister.
  • Trim your crested gecko's nails: You should trim your crested gecko's nails every few months, to prevent them from becoming too long or sharp. You should use a pair of nail clippers or scissors, and cut the tip of the nail, avoiding the quick, which is the pink part that contains blood vessels and nerves. You should also disinfect the nail clippers or scissors before and after use, and apply some styptic powder or cornstarch if you accidentally cut the quick and cause bleeding.
  • Clean your crested gecko's eyes: You should clean your crested gecko's eyes every few weeks, to remove any dirt, dust, or debris that may have accumulated. You should use a cotton swab or a soft cloth, and moisten it with warm water or saline solution. You should then gently wipe the eye from the corner to the outside, and avoid touching the eyeball. You should also use a different cotton swab or cloth for each eye, and discard them after use.


Crested geckos are amazing and adorable animals, that can make great pets for anyone willing to provide them with the proper care and attention.

They are easy to care for, come in a variety of colors and patterns, and have unique personalities. By following the tips and guidelines in this article, you can ensure that your crested gecko will live a long and happy life with you.

FAQS about Crested Geckos

What is a crested gecko?

A crested gecko is a small lizard that has a crest of skin on its head and eyelids. It is native to southern New Caledonia, a French territory in the Pacific Ocean. 

How do you care for a crested gecko as a pet?

A crested gecko needs a humid and warm enclosure with plants, branches, and hiding places. It also needs a balanced diet of insects, fruits, and commercial crested gecko food. 

What are the characteristics of a superconductor?

A superconductor is a material that has zero electrical resistance and expels magnetic fields when cooled below a certain temperature. This means that electricity can flow through it without losing energy and it can levitate above a magnet. 

How did the Korean team create a room-temperature superconductor?

The Korean team claims to have created a room-temperature superconductor by mixing lanarkite (Pb 2 SO 5) and copper phosphide (Cu 3 P) and heating them in a sealed vacuum tube. The resulting material, called LK-99, allegedly showed zero resistance and the Meissner effect at room temperature.

 Why are room-temperature superconductors important?

Room-temperature superconductors are important because they could revolutionize the fields of electricity and electronics. They could enable more efficient power transmission, faster computers, magnetic levitation trains, and new medical devices. However, their existence and feasibility are still controversial and unproven.

Guilherme Lopes

Hello, my name is Guilherme, and I am a writer passionate about animals. Especially for reptiles and amphibians. I've been writing for the internet for about 2 years and recently started producing content for the Dragon Lovers Hub blog.

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